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6088CITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTONORDINANCENO.6088ANORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,ADOPTINGTHEBIENNIALBUDGETFORTHEYEARS2023/2024,PROVIDINGFORSEVERABILITY,ANDESTABLISHINGANEFFECTIVEDATE.WHEREAS,onoraboutOctober3,2022,theMayorpresentedtheproposedbiennialbudgetforCityofRentonforthecalendaryears2023and2024andfiledthesamewiththeCityClerkasrequiredbylaw;andWHEREAS,theCityCouncilconducteddulynoticedpublichearingsforthepurposeofacceptingtestimonyrelatedtothe2023/2024biennialbudgetonJune27,2022,October17,2022andagainonOctober242022;andWHEREAS,afterconductingsuchhearingsandconsideringtheinformationprovidedbythepublic,themayor,andcitydepartments,thecouncilhadanopportunitytomakesuchadjustmentsandchangesitdeemednecessaryorpropertotheallowanceineachlineitem,department,classification,andfund;NOW,THEREFORE,THECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFRENTON,WASHINGTON,DOORDAINASFOLLOWS:SECTIONI.TheCityCouncilherebyadoptsthecity’sbiennialbudgetfortheyears2023/2024.ThebiennialbudgetissummarizedbyfundinAttachmentA,2023/2024BiennialBudgetSummarybyFund—AllFunds,whichisincorporatedhereinasiffullysetforth.SECTIONII.AttachmentAdefinesthetotalsumsauthorizedandallowedforexpendituresandestablishedsuchsumsineachofthefundsinthe2023/2024biennialbudget.1 ORDINANCENO.608$SECTIONIII.TheappropriationsauthorizedinGeneralGovernment,Transportation,Airport,GolfCourse,WaterUtility,WastewaterUtility,andSurfaceWaterUtilitycapitalprojectsfundssetforthinAttachmentAshallbeforthepurposeoffundingthoseprojectssetforthinthe2023-2028CapitalInvestmentProgram,whichisherebyadoptedandattachedheretoasAttachmentB.SECTIONIV.Thejobclassificationsandpayrangesforemployeesofthecityaresetforthinthe2023SalaryTableasattachedinAttachmentCandareherebyadoptedaspartofthebienniumbudget.TheSalaryTableshallremainineffectuntilamendedbyordinanceexceptasprovidedinapplicablecollectivebargainingagreements.SECTIONV.Actsconsistentwiththisordinance,butpriortoitspassageoreffectivedate,areherebyratifiedandconfirmed.SECTIONVI.TheprovisionsofSectionsIthroughVofthisordinanceshalltakeeffectonJanuary1,2023.SECTIONVII.Acopyofthe2023/2024biennialbudget,ashereinadopted,shallbetransmittedtotheOfficeoftheStateAuditor,andtheAssociationofWashingtonCitiesorsuchothergovernmentalagenciesasprovidedbylaw.SECTIONVIII.Ifanysection,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase,orwordofthisordinanceshouldbeheldtobeinvalidorunconstitutionalbyacourtorcompetentjurisdiction,suchinvalidityorunconstitutionalitythereofshallnotaffecttheconstitutionalityofanyothersection,subsection,sentence,clause,phrase,orwordofthisordinance.3 ORDINANCENO.6088SECTIONIX.Thisordinanceshallbeinfullforceandeffectfive(5)daysafterpublicationofasummaryofthisordinanceintheCity’sofficialnewspaper.Thesummaryshallconsistofthisordinance’stitle.PASSEDBYTHECITYCOUNCILthis14thdayofNovember,2022.JasA.Seth,tyClerkAPPROVEDBYTHEMAYORthis14thdayofNovember,2022.Approvedastoform:ShaneMoloney,CityAttorneyDateofPublication:11/17/2022(Summary)ORD-FIN:2250:10.26.22Pavone,Mayor3 ORDINANCENO.6088ATTACHMENTA2023/2024BIENNIALBUDGETSUMMARYBYFUND-ALLFUNDSBudgetedIncrease2023Adopted2024Adopted(Decrease)inEndingFund____________________________ExpenditureExpenditureFundBalanceBalance______________________________128,494,420131,892,633(5,451,611)57,469,666$287,361,714$297,102,667$283,005,945$299,190,483$3,267,953$213,544,079Estimated2023Adopted2024AdoptedFund/DepartmentBegFundBalRevenueRevenue000GENERAL62,921,276125,712,830129,222,613110SPECIALHOTEL-MOTELTAX339,214200,000200000--400,000735,214127CABLECOMMUNICATIONSDEVELOPMENT326,71057,67457,67497,67497,674(80,000)24g,710130HOUSINGANDSUPPORTIVESERVICES4,951,7253,500,0003,500,000--7,000,00011,951,729135SPRINGBROOKWEFLANDS6ANK414,630--40.00040,000(80,000)334,630215GENEBALGOVERNMENTMISCDEBTSVC9,410,1743,660,2803,654,0923,465,9483,461,325387,0595,797,233303COMMUNIWSERVICESIMPACTMITIGA31ON1,439,29886,90086,90050,000450,000(327,000)1,112,298304FIREIMPACTMIEGAUON2,759,059400,0004t0,000500,639500,635(201,270)2,557,829305TRANSPORTATIONIMPACTMITIGA11ON6,352,4761,780,0001,780,000750,000100,0002,710,0009,062,476308REET1FUND1,228,1212,300,0002,300,000-2,000,0002,600,0003,828,1213099EET2FUND4,152,0272,300,0002,300,0003,403,62S4,183,429(2,987,050)1,164,9773XXSCHOOLIMPACTMITIGAT1ON12985,000995,000995,000995,000-12316GENERALGOVERNMENTCIP7,8741,390,0003,279,0001,390,0003,279,000-7,874317TRANSPORTATIONCIP1,182,3662,962,0002,889,0002,962,0002,889,000-1,182,366346NEWFAMILYFIRSTCENTERDEVELOPMENT3,303,320...-3,303,320462AIRPORTOPERATIONS/CIP1,805,1093,051,7673,051,7672,387,4942,717,688898,3522,803,461403SOLIDWASTEUTILITY2,601,35429,173,58325,653,94025,764,43426,933,964(1,471,275)1,130,0794X4MUNICIPALGOLFCOURSEOPER/CIP996,6793,230,1253,393,3902,996,4763,219,986447,4931,444,1284X5WATEROPERATIONS/CIP13,398,18419,317,46819,426,09417,876,99918,379,1012,487,46619,849,6904X6WASTEWATEROPERAT1ONS/CIP7,157,96912,064,96912,482,92910,911,18813,927,039109,6717,267,240416KINGCOUNTYMETRO3,764,01219,398,92920,974,42819,398,92920,974,4283,764,012437SURFACEWATEROPERATIONS/CIP16,236,31413,071,99013,649,20817,120,97517,210,436(7,810,613)8,649,701901EQUIPMENTRENTAL9,328,8556,738,3946,488,9389,296,1299,268,8012,662,40211,991,257502INSURANCE22,166,0754,997,3284,982,0489,890,3759,781,370(1,652,369)20,913,705503INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY2,909,6098,480,0268,599,9278,088,3328,214,969776,6523,686,261S04FACILI11B626,6726,992,1377,140,2746,808,2417,048,260239,910862,982SOSCOMMUNICATIONS134,1881,593,4021,664,7671,610,2371,664,329(16,397)117,771912HEALTHCAREINSURANCE6,478,4S815,702,71616,941,51819,203,57316,438,9821,001,6997,480,157922LEOFF1RETIREESHEALTHCARE19,446,0381,883,0002,010,0001,369,7911,478,3861,046,82320,492,861611PIREMENSPENSION8,460,708400,000380,000253,479244,475282,0508,742,798AllOtherFunds147,354,850161,648,884167,880,055154,511,525166,297,8518,719,564186,074,4133 ORDINANCENO.608$ATTACHMENTBCAPITALINVESTMENTPROGRAM2023-20283 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM ‐ SUMMARY 2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) Departments Actual  through  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Expenditures Expenditures: General Government               8,502              33,333              17,369              16,744                9,153              14,081              10,790                6,649              36,254 152,875             Airport               5,744                6,528                9,088              10,500                5,610                1,150                1,410                1,400 ‐   41,430                Golf Course ‐   78 157 165               1,495 579                1,645                2,215 ‐   6,334                  Wastewater Utility               4,080                3,131              12,409                7,050                6,200                2,200                2,200                2,200 ‐   39,470                Water Utility             16,065                8,458             12,818              19,289                6,476                5,468                3,300                3,300 ‐   75,174                Surface Water Utility             26,295              22,871                8,404                8,356                3,380                4,210                4,470                4,760 ‐   82,746                Transportation             21,914             16,234              30,415              16,990                9,231              11,117              17,747              17,477                5,590 146,715             Total Expenditures             82,600              90,633              90,660              79,094              41,545              38,805              41,562              38,001              41,844               544,744  Departments Actual  through  2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resouces Resources: Bond               4,907 ‐   ‐            ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐           ‐   4,907  Business License/B&O Tax               7,602                5,809                3,942 367                1,915                2,330                4,065                4,140                2,165                 32,335  Fuel Tax 350 ‐   ‐            ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐           ‐   350  Golf Course Revenues ‐   78 157 165               1,495 579                1,645                2,215 ‐   6,334  Grants/Contribution             20,739             27,265              35,799              29,736              10,781                5,510              12,210              15,578                8,500               166,118  Impact Fees               1,553                3,350 552 450 ‐   ‐         500 ‐                 7,500                13,905  Interest Income 233 ‐   ‐            ‐   40 40 40 40 375 768  Internal Service Fund Charges ‐   ‐        335               1,815 50 ‐   ‐            ‐   38 2,238  Lease Income               5,391               6,528 210 ‐   260               1,150                1,410                1,400 ‐                  16,349  Mitigation Funds Received ‐                 1,139                4,470                2,716                2,679                1,832                1,637                1,637 ‐                  16,110  Property Taxes               3,806              11,076                9,787                3,984                2,963                4,121                1,625 129               2,641                 40,132  REET               4,115                9,179                2,915                5,842                5,818              11,875                8,970                6,330              20,625                 75,669  Road/Street Maint Charges 14 ‐   ‐            ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐           ‐   14  Sales Taxes ‐                 4,950 ‐   ‐            ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐   ‐        4,950  Surfacewater Collection Fees             12,554                9,670                7,187                6,680                2,868                3,700                3,960                1,032 ‐                  47,651  Transportation Impact Mitigation               1,358 ‐                 1,847                1,000 ‐   ‐            ‐   ‐   ‐   4,205  Wastewater Collection Fees               4,056                3,131             12,409                7,050                6,200                2,200                2,200                2,200 ‐                  39,446  Water Collection Fees             15,922                8,458              11,050              19,289                6,476                5,468                3,300                3,300 ‐                  73,263  Total Resources             82,600              90,633              90,660              79,094              41,545              38,805              41,562              38,001              41,844               544,744  Project Funding Status: Secured             82,600              90,633              68,671              56,484                1,424 10 10 282 ‐                300,114  Anticipated**‐   ‐               21,989             22,610              40,121              38,795              41,552              37,719              41,844               244,630  Total Project Funding             82,600              90,633              90,660              79,094              41,545              38,805              41,562              38,001              41,844               544,744  **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  Estimated Estimated Capital Investment Program ‐ City Wide Summary Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project   Expenditures Expenditures: PARKS Collodi Acquisition 1A ‐                 ‐                  502                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  502                   Coulon ‐ Trestle Bridge 2 SP 263                1,698             553                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  2,514               Coulon ‐ Waterwalk 3 SP 363                2,718             3,820              ‐                100                2,375             ‐                 ‐                2,375             11,751             Kiwanis 4 SP 275                6,640              ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  6,915               Philip Arnold Park Improvements 5 D 427                3,273             2,509              ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                2,150             8,359               Cedar River Trail Flood Disaster Repairs 6SP ‐                 ‐                  1,076              ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,076               Playground Replacement ‐ Maplewood Park 7 SP ‐                 ‐                  150                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  150                   Coulon Park ‐ Swim Beach 8SP ‐                 ‐                  100                 350                1,000            1,000             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  2,450               Playground Replacement ‐ Windsor Hill Park 9 SP ‐                 ‐                  175                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  175                   Sport Court and skate park Repairs – Liberty Park 10 SP ‐                 ‐                  270                 95                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  365                   Turf Drainage – City Hall Lobby Level 11 SP ‐                 ‐                  50                    ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  50                     Sport Court Repairs ‐ Talbot Hill Tennis and Pickleball Courts 12 SP ‐                 ‐                  500                 209                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  709                   Playground Replacement ‐ Glencoe Park 13 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                  175                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  175                   May Creek Trail South 14 D ‐                500                  ‐                  450                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  950                   Eastrail 15 D ‐                 ‐                   ‐                  6,000             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  6,000               MM Structural Reviews & Repair ‐ Cedar River Trestle Bridge 16 SP 1,088            20                   45                    ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                25                  750                 1,928               Cleveland Richardson Park 17 D ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                100                150                250                 ‐                4,000             4,500               Park Entry Signage ‐ Systemwide 18 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                40                  40                  40                  40                  375                 535                   Paths, Walks, Patios and Boardwalks ‐ Cedar River Trail 19 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                55                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  55                     Paths, Walks, Patios and Boardwalks ‐ Coulon Park Path 20 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                55                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  55                     Coulon ‐ Shoreline Erosion 21 ED ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                80                  150                800                 ‐                  1,030               Parks, Recreation and Natural Areas Plan 22 P ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                235                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  235                   Playground Replacement ‐ Earlington Park 23 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                200                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  200                   Paths, Walks, Patios and Boardwalks ‐ Jones Park 24 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                75                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  75                     Playground Replacement ‐ Highlands Park 25 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                175                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  175                   Playground Replacement ‐ Kennydale Lions Park 26 SP ‐              ‐               ‐               ‐              ‐             200             ‐              ‐              ‐              200               Irrigation updates ‐ Coulon Park 27 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                50                  250                500                 ‐                  800                   May Creek Park 28 D ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                200                250                 ‐                7,350             7,800               Ballfield Renovation  ‐ Liberty Park 29 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                250                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  250                   Regis Park Athletic Field Expansion 30 D 125                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                8,700             8,825               Liberty Park Improvements 31 D 501                25                    ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                3,150             3,676               Structural Reviews ‐ Coulon Park 32 ED 2,910            125                  ‐                   ‐                500                2,500            2,150             ‐                 ‐                  8,185               Coulon Park ‐ Bulkhead (Rosewall) Repairs 33 SP ‐                10                    ‐                   ‐                 ‐                15                   ‐                 ‐                1,250             1,275               Trails and Bicycle Master Plan 34 P 115                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                150                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  265                   Lighting System Upgrades ‐ Liberty Park Tennis Courts 35 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                125                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  125                   Boundary, Topographic & Site Survey ‐ Jones Park 36 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                100                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  100                   MM Shoreline and Bank Stabilization ‐ Jones Park 37 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                183                 ‐                300                 ‐                 ‐                  483                   Parking Lot and Drive Repairs ‐ Tiffany Park 38 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                125                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  125                   Playground Replacement ‐ Heritage Park 39 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                200                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  200                   Lighting System Upgrades ‐ Ron Regis Park 40 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                75                  150                225                 ‐                  450                   ADA Transition Plan ‐ Parks and Recreation Buildings 41 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                200                 200                   Playground Replacement ‐ Burnett Linear Park 42 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                250                 ‐                 ‐                  250                   Playground Replacement ‐ Jones Park 43 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                275                 ‐                  275                   Sport Court Repairs ‐ Highlands Park Tennis Courts 44 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                125                 ‐                 ‐                  125                   Sport Court Repairs ‐ Kennydale Lions Park 45 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                80                   ‐                  80                     Cedar River Park Sports Field Updates 46 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                5,000             5,000               Parking Lot and Drive Repairs ‐ Coulon Park 47 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                200                200                 ‐                 ‐                  400                   Piazza Park Master Plan 48 P ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                200                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  200                   Meadow Crest Playground Replacement 49 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                500                 ‐                  500                   Parks Total Expenditures 6,067            15,009           9,750             7,279            2,823            7,930            4,115            2,445            35,300           90,718             FACILITIES Family First Center 1 D 1,485            7,242             7,537              ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  16,264             DES/ESCO Project Phase 3 A ‐ Replace HVAC at RCC and Public Works A, B, C buildings 2 ED ‐                83                   1,700              ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,783               Pavilion Market Conversion 3N ‐                500                 1,500             2,000             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  4,000               Henry Moses Aquatic Center Upgrades and Repairs 4 SP 677                43                   300                 1,700             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  2,720               7th Floor Human Resources Remodel 5N 2                    17                   641                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  660                   Park Ave Shop Structural issue 6ED ‐                300                 1,000             1,200             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  2,500               City Hall Lobby Remodel 7N 8                    1                     400                 1,325            1,324             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  3,058               Streetscape Phase 2 ‐ Williams 8D ‐                46                   350                 350                275                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,021               Municipal Window Replacement 9ED ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                100                125                250                275                675                 1,425               DES/ESCO Project Phase 3 B 10 ED ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                1,800             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,800               Liberty Park Building Sustainable Systems Upgrades 11 ED ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                500                 ‐                 ‐                  500                   Solar Grant City Hall and Roof Replacement 12 N ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                250                1,250             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,500               City Shops Roof Replacement 13 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                250                 ‐                 ‐                  250                   Coulon Maintenance Building HVAC Replacement 14 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                500                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  500                   Carco Theater Building Repairs and Upgrades 15 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                40                  2,000            2,000             ‐                  4,040               Senior Center Siding Repairs and Painting 16 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                400                2,000            2,000             ‐                 ‐                  4,400               Renton Community Center Upgrades and Repairs 17 SP 263                1,000              ‐                   ‐                700                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,963               Highlands Neighborhood Center Gym Floor Replacement 18 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                225                 ‐                50                  1,000             ‐                  1,275               River Streets 19 D ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                500                1,500            1,500             ‐                 ‐                  3,500               City Hall Electrical 20 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                800                 ‐                  800                   Facilities Total Expenditures 2,435            9,232             13,428           6,575            5,574            5,415            6,550            4,075            675                 53,959             INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Eden System Replacement 1SP ‐                 ‐                  1,410             1,590             ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  3,000               Community Center Public Wi‐Fi 2D ‐                200                 50                    ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  250                   Downtown Core Public Wi‐Fi 3D ‐                 ‐                  375                 375                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  750                   Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Infrastructure Implementation 4 SP ‐                 ‐                  700                 700                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,400               Infrastructure Upgrades/Replacements 5SP ‐                 ‐                  100                 100                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  200                   Content Management System Replacement 6SP ‐                 ‐                  93                    ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  93                     Renton Community Center, Henry Moses Aquatic Center, Gene Coulon Beach Audio and Video Systems 7 SP ‐                56                   200                  ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  256                   Phone System Upgrade 8SP ‐                 ‐                  100                 75                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  175                   Cybersecurity Upgrades 9ED ‐                 ‐                   ‐                  50                  150                80                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  280                   Infrastructure Replacement 11 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                56                  56                  125                129                241                 607                   City Fiber Mapping 10 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                 ‐                100                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  100                   Expansion of Public WiFi Citywide 12 D ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                500                500                 ‐                 ‐                 ‐                  1,000               Replacement of Archival System 13 SP ‐                 ‐                   ‐                   ‐                50                   ‐                 ‐                 ‐                38                   88                     Information Technology Total Expenditures ‐                256                 3,028             2,890            756               736               125               129               279                 8,199               Total Expenditures 8,502            24,497           26,206           16,744          9,153            14,081          10,790          6,649            36,254           152,876           *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resources Resources: REET              4,037                8,839                1,070               3,200               3,175               8,655               5,625               3,405              15,725               53,731  Impact Fees                    ‐                  3,290                   552                  450                     ‐                       ‐                    500                     ‐                  7,500               12,292  Internal Service Fund Charges                    ‐                         ‐                     335               1,815                    50                     ‐                       ‐                       ‐                        38                 2,238  Grants/Contribution                 434                5,055                5,006               7,200               2,325                     ‐                       ‐                       ‐                  8,500               28,520  Property Taxes              3,673                6,757              10,773               3,984               2,963               4,121               1,625                  129                2,641               36,666  Business License/B&O Tax                 125                   556                3,520                    95                  600               1,265               3,000               3,075                1,475               13,711  Sales Taxes                    ‐                         ‐                  4,950                     ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                       ‐                         ‐                   4,950  Interest Income                 233                       ‐                         ‐                       ‐                      40                    40                    40                    40                   375                    768  Total Resources 8,502            24,497           26,206           16,744          9,153            14,081          10,790          6,649            36,254           152,876           Project Funding Status: Secured              8,502              24,497              22,512               9,544               1,414                     ‐                       ‐                       ‐                         ‐                 66,469  Anticipated**                   ‐                         ‐                  3,694               7,200               7,739             14,081             10,790               6,649              36,254               86,407  Total Project Funding              8,502              24,497              26,206             16,744               9,153             14,081             10,790               6,649              36,254             152,876  **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  GENERAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ General Government Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Expenditures Expenditures: Rainier Ave S/N Phase 4 ‐ S 3rd Street to NW 3rd Pl 1 D 3,677            4,996            16,195          9,616             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 34,484             Bronson Way Bridge ‐ Seismic Retrofit and Painting 2 SP 229               2,721            50                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,000                Houser Way Bridge‐ Seismic Retrofit and Painting 3 SP 97                 523                2,312            740                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,672                Park Avenue North Extension 4 D 5,130            2,000            1,335             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 8,465                Williams Ave N Bridge Repair 5 SP 81                 642                2,905            144                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,772                Bridge Inspection & Repair Program 6 M 527               245                50                  50                  50                  50                  50                  50                   ‐                 1,072                S 7th Street Corridor Improvements ‐ Oakesdale Ave SW to Burnett Ave S 7 D 1,612            355                530                1,390            995                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 4,882                Street Overlay 8 M ‐                1,368             ‐                  ‐                 1,500            1,500            1,500            1,500            3,000            10,368             Arterial Rehabilitation ‐ SW 43rd St Pavement Preservation 9 SP 80                 428                1,505            1,500             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,513                Safe Routes to Transit 10 M 1,293            292                 ‐                  ‐                 250                220                345                425                1,900            4,725                Oakesdale Ave SW Preservation 11 SP ‐                 ‐                 400                50                  2,008             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,458                Nile Ave NE Bridge Repair 12 C ‐                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 250                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 250                   Traffic Safety Program 13 M 1,637            128                150                50                  300                300                300                300                 ‐                 3,165                Barrier Free Transition Plan Implementation 14 M 156               21                  117                50                  240                240                240                240                240                1,544                Sunset Trail 15 D ‐                 ‐                  ‐                 1,110            484                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,594                Intersection Safety & Mobility Program 16 M 1,198            406                750                100                100                100                100                100                 ‐                 2,854                Traffic Signal Preservation Program 17 M 1,170            285                 ‐                  ‐                 100                100                100                100                200                2,055                Sidewalk Rehabilitation and Replacement Program 18 M 1,625            50                  50                   ‐                 100                100                100                100                100                2,225                Roadway Safety and Guardrail Program 19 M 340                ‐                 35                   ‐                 50                  50                  50                  50                  50                  625                   South 2nd Street Conversion Project 20 D 8                    394                575                575                 ‐                 6,500            5,500            5,150             ‐                 18,702             Project Development & Pre‐Design Program 21 M 831               122                50                  50                  100                100                100                100                100                1,553                Renton Connector 22 C 18                 703                790                250                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,761                Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Program 23 M 517               43                  120                47                  75                  75                  75                  75                   ‐                 1,028                Walkway Program 24 M 654               217                100                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 971                   Arterial Circulation Program 25 M 1,005            133                 ‐                  ‐                 50                  50                  50                  50                   ‐                 1,338                Rainier Ave Phae 526D‐                 ‐                 1,847            1,000            2,579            1,732            9,237            9,237             ‐                 25,633             Sound Transit NE 44th Street/I‐405 Park and Ride 27 D 28                 10                  450                268                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 756                   Catch Basin Repair 28 M ‐                150                100                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 250                   Total Expenditures 21,914          16,234          30,415          16,990          9,231            11,117          17,747          17,477          5,590            146,716           *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resources Resources: REET                   78                     73               2,112               2,642               2,643               3,220               3,345               2,925               4,900               21,939  Mitigation Funds                    ‐                 1,139               4,470               2,716               2,679               1,832               1,637               1,637                      ‐                 16,111  Grants/Contributions              6,045               9,009             18,930             10,360               2,594               5,000             11,700             11,850                      ‐                 75,486  Road/Street Maint Charges                   14                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                         14  Transportation Impact Mitigation              1,358                      ‐                 1,847               1,000                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                   4,205  Property Taxes                 132               2,000               1,335                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                   3,467  B&O Taxes              7,477               3,953               1,722                  272               1,315               1,065               1,065               1,065                  690               18,624  Fuel Tax                 350                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                       350  Interest                    ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐    Total Resources 21,914          16,234          30,415          16,990          9,231            11,117          17,747          17,477          5,590            146,716           Project Funding Status: Secured           21,914             16,234             23,763             13,330                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐   75,241             Anticipated**                   ‐                        ‐                 6,652               3,660               9,231             11,117             17,747             17,477               5,590 71,475             Total Project Funding 21,914          16,234          30,415          16,990          9,231            11,117          17,747          17,477          5,590            146,716           **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ Transportation Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Expenditures Expenditures: Airport Office Renovation 1 SP 594                2,718             5,985              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 9,297                Major Facility Maintenance 2 SP 2,328             417                250                250                250                250                250                250                 ‐                 4,246                Pavement Management Program 3 SP 1,283             251                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 150                150                150                 ‐                 1,983                Maintenance Dredging and Shoreline Mitigation 4 M 1,248             111                993                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,352                Taxiway Alpha Rehabilitation 5 SP 6                     1,344             1,650             10,250           5,350              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 18,600              Snow Removal Equipment 6 M 44                  167                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 211                   Surface Water System Rehabilitation 7 SP 242                144                10                   ‐                 10                   ‐                 10                   ‐                  ‐                 416                   Airport Maintenance Facility 8N ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,000             1,000              ‐                 2,000                Airport North Entrance & Parking Lot Rehab 9SP ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 750                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 750                   Security & Fence Upgrades 10 SP ‐                  ‐                 200                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 200                   Total Expenditures 5,744             5,153             9,088             10,500          5,610             1,150             1,410             1,400              ‐                 40,056              *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resources Resources: Grants/Contributions                  354                      ‐                 8,878             10,500               5,350                      ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                 25,082  Lease Income              5,391               5,153                   210                      ‐                     260               1,150               1,410               1,400                      ‐                 14,974  Total Resources 5,744             5,153             9,088             10,500          5,610             1,150             1,410             1,400              ‐                 40,056              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  Project Funding Status: Secured 5,744             5,153             260                250                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 11,408              Anticipated**‐                  ‐                 8,828             10,250           5,610             1,150             1,410             1,400              ‐                 28,648              Total Project Funding 5,744             5,153             9,088             10,500          5,610             1,150             1,410             1,400              ‐                 40,056              **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY AIRPORT CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ Airport Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Expenditures Expenditures: Equipment Plan 1 A ‐                 38                  122                90                  110                159                175                165                 ‐                 859                   Golf Buildings Major Maintenance 2 SP ‐                 40                  35                  75                  1,275             180                190                2,050              ‐                 3,845                Fairway Protective Netting Maintenance 3 SP ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 30                  30                   ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 60                      Golf Course Major Maintenance 4 C ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 80                  210                1,280              ‐                  ‐                 1,570                Total Expenditures ‐                 78                  157                165                1,495             579                1,645             2,215              ‐                 6,334                *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resources Resources: Golf Course Revenue                     ‐                       78                   157                   165               1,495                   579               1,645               2,215                      ‐                    6,334  General Fund Sources                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐    Grants/Contributions                     ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                        ‐                          ‐    Total Resources ‐                 78                  157                165                1,495             579                1,645             2,215              ‐                 6,334                Project Funding Status: Secured ‐                 78                  157                165                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 400                   Anticipated**‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,495             579                1,645             2,215              ‐                 5,934                Total Project Funding ‐                 78                  157                165                1,495             579                1,645             2,215              ‐                 6,334                **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ Golf Course Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Expenditures Expenditures: Highlands 435‐Zone Reservoirs 1 D 2,268            115                7,300            15,439          2,846            2,000             ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 29,968             Highlands Water Main Improvements 2 SP 1,491            209                1,968            500                530                368                200                200                 ‐                 5,465                Emergency Response Projects 3 M 142                100                100                100                100                100                100                100                 ‐                 842                   WSDOT I‐405 Water Relocations 4 R 191                534                100                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 825                   Water Main Replacement 5 SP 8,001            2,971            1,500            1,500            1,500            1,500            1,500            1,500             ‐                 19,972             Telemetry Improvements 6 SP 1,084            118                100                100                50                  50                  50                  50                   ‐                 1,603                PRV's Replacement 7 M 176                327                300                300                300                300                300                300                 ‐                 2,303                Reservoir Recoating and Seismic Upgrade 8 M 585                395                200                200                200                200                200                200                 ‐                 2,180                Emergency Power to Water Facilities 9 SP 375                581                300                300                300                300                300                300                 ‐                 2,757                Water System Security 10 SP 71                  100                50                  50                  50                  50                  50                  50                   ‐                 471                   Water Pump Station Rehabilitation 11 SP 254                708                300                300                300                300                300                300                 ‐                 2,762                Rainier Ave S Phase 4 Water Main Improvements 12 SP 1,331            2,200            300                200                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 4,031                Water Main Oversizing 13 D 96                  100                100                100                100                100                100                100                 ‐                 796                   Minor (small) Water Capital Improvement Projects 14 SP ‐                  ‐                 200                200                200                200                200                200                 ‐                 1,200                Total Expenditures 16,065          8,458            12,818          19,289          6,476            5,468            3,300            3,300             ‐                 75,174             *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resources Resources: Water Collection Fees 15,922          8,458            11,050          19,289          6,476            5,468            3,300            3,300             ‐                 73,263             Total Resources 16,065          8,458            12,818          19,289          6,476            5,468            3,300            3,300             ‐                 75,174             Project Funding Status: Secured 16,065          8,458            11,050          19,289           ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 54,862             Anticipated**‐                  ‐                 1,768             ‐                 6,476            5,468            3,300            3,300             ‐                 20,312             Total Project Funding 16,065          8,458            12,818          19,289          6,476            5,468            3,300            3,300             ‐                 75,174             **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY WATER UTILITY CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ Water Utility Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project  Expenditures Expenditures: Thunder Hills Interceptor Replacement/Rehab 1 SP 40               50                      3,110                  ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     3,200                  Kennydale Lakeline Sewer Upgrade 2 SP 626             836                    2,000                 4,000                 4,000                  ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     11,462               Lift Station Rehabilitation 3 SP 947             300                    2,000                  ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     3,247                  Force Main Rehab‐Replacement 4 SP 864             300                    2,000                  ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     3,164                  Sanitary Sewer Rehab‐Replacement 5 SP 21               1,200                 2,000                 2,000                 2,000                 2,000                 2,000                 2,000                  ‐                     13,221               Rainier Ave Phase 4 Sewer Facility 6 SP ‐              100                    850                    850                     ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     1,800                  WSDOT I405 Relocation 7 D 109             50                      50                       ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     209                     Miscellaneous/Emergency Projects 8 M 1,033          295                    275                    200                    200                    200                    200                    200                     ‐                     2,603                  Wastewater Operations Master Plan 9 R 439              ‐                     124                     ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     563                     Total Expenditures 4,080          3,131                12,409              7,050                6,200                2,200                2,200                2,200                 ‐                     39,470               *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project  Resources Resources: Mitigation Fees ‐               ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      Bond Proceeds (RePmt Funding Src Only)‐               ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      Grants/Contributions 23                ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     23                       Special Assessment District ‐               ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      System Development Charges ‐               ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      Wastewater Collection Fees 4,056          3,131                 12,409              7,050                 6,200                 2,200                 2,200                 2,200                  ‐                     39,446               Interest ‐               ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      Total Resources 4,080          3,131                12,409              7,050                6,200                2,200                2,200                2,200                 ‐                     39,470               Project Funding Status: Secured 4,080          3,131                 12,409              7,050                  ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     26,670               Anticipated**‐               ‐                      ‐                      ‐                     6,200                 2,200                 2,200                 2,200                  ‐                     12,800               Total Project Funding 4,080          3,131                12,409              7,050                6,200                2,200                2,200                2,200                 ‐                     39,470               **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY WASTEWATER UTILITY CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ Wastewater Utility Projects Priority Type* Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project  Expenditures Expenditures: Monroe Ave NE & NE 2nd St Infiltration System Improvements 1 ED 704                10,798          2,300             2,300              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 16,102              Madsen Creek Improvement Project 2 SP 751                425                10                  10                  10                  10                  10                  1,000              ‐                 2,226                Burnett Ave S and Williams Ave S Water Quality Retrofit Project 3 ED 276                294                2,927              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,497                Surface Water Planning 4 R 444                554                 ‐                  ‐                 100                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,098                Small Scale Stormwater Projects 5 SP 1,875             1,588             500                500                400                400                400                400                 ‐                 6,063                Hardie Ave SW‐SW 7th St Storm System Improvements 6 ED 7,268             596                200                1,500              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 9,564                Cedar River 205 Project Levee Recertification Project 7 R 1,440             4,236             120                1,500             10                  10                  10                  10                   ‐                 7,336                Cedar River Gravel Removal (Maintenance Dredge) Project 8 M 10,961          2,505              ‐                  ‐                 500                500                500                3,000              ‐                 17,966              Sedimentation Facility Cleaning 9 M 614                284                100                100                150                150                155                155                 ‐                 1,708                SE 172nd St and 125th Ave N Storm System Improvement Project 10 ED 466                155                 ‐                 1,500             1,500              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 3,621                Talbot Hill Area Mosquito Abatement Program 11 R 659                107                90                  90                  90                  90                  95                  95                   ‐                 1,316                Stormwater Facility Fencing Program 12 SP 508                408                100                120                120                100                100                100                 ‐                 1,556                Rainier Ave and Oakesdale Ave Pump Station Upgrades 13 SP 246                230                247                100                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 823                   SW 23rd Street Drainage and Fish Passage Improvements 14 ED ‐                 600                 ‐                 250                500                250                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,600                East Valley Road Storm System Improvements 15 ED ‐                  ‐                 100                20                   ‐                 1,000              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 1,120                NE Sunset Blvd & Union Ave NE Storm System Improvements 16 ED ‐                  ‐                 600                 ‐                  ‐                 1,700              ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 2,300                SW 43rd Street/Lind Ave SW Storm System Improvements  17 ED ‐                  ‐                 600                200                 ‐                  ‐                 3,200              ‐                  ‐                 4,000                Ginger Creek/Cascade Park Basin Plan 18 P ‐                  ‐                 350                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 350                   Cedar River Flood Risk Reduction Feasibility Study 19 P 83                  91                  160                166                 ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                 500                   Total Expenditures 26,295          22,871          8,404             8,356             3,380             4,210             4,470             4,760              ‐                 82,746              *Project Types: A = Acquisition, C = Cross Category, D = Development, M = Maintenance, P = Planning, R = Regulatory, ED = Correcting Existing Deficiencies; SP = System Preservation; N = New Facilities to Accommodate Growth Projects Actual  through  12/31/21 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 Thereafter Total Project Resources Resources: Grants/Contributions 13,741          13,201          1,217             1,676             512                510                510                3,728              ‐                 35,095              System Development Charges ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                  ‐                    Surfacewater Collection Fees 12,554          9,670             7,187             6,680             2,868             3,700             3,960             1,032              ‐                 47,651              Total Resources 26,295          22,871          8,404             8,356             3,380             4,210             4,470             4,760              ‐                 82,746              Project Funding Status: Secured 26,295          22,871          7,357             6,856             10                  10                  10                  282                 ‐                 63,691              Anticipated**‐                  ‐                 1,047             1,500             3,370             4,200             4,460             4,478              ‐                 19,055              Total Project Funding 26,295          22,871          8,404             8,356             3,380             4,210             4,470             4,760              ‐                 82,746              **Expenditures utilizing anticipated funding are not included in the adopted budget.  SUMMARY BY COUNCIL PRIORITY SURFACE WATER UTILITY CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM    2023 through 2028 (in thousands of dollars) ESTIMATED ESTIMATED Capital Investment Program ‐ Surface Water Utility ORDINANCENO.6088ATTACHMENTC2023CITYOFRENTONSALARYTABLE3 COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual e10 1030 Mayor (1) 16,681 200,172 16,681 200,172 e09 1005 City Council President (2)(7)2,050 24,600   e09 1000 City Council Members (2) 1,750 21,000   e08 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 13,355 160,260 14,029 168,348 e11 1020 Municipal Court Judge (6) 15,051 180,614 15,051 180,614 Salary effective July 2020 ‐ June 30, 2022 Salary is 95% of District Court Judge Salary m53 1035 Chief Administrative Officer (3) 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 17,523 210,276 18,401 220,812 m52 14,740 176,880 15,486 185,832 16,277 195,324 17,100 205,200 17,955 215,460 m51 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 17,523 210,276 m50 14,029 168,348 14,740 176,880 15,486 185,832 16,277 195,324 17,100 205,200 m49 1400 City Attorney (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1109 Parks & Recreation Administrator (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1105 Community & Economic Development Administrator 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1036 Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1101 Finance Administrator (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1107 Equity, Housing & Human Services Administrator (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1104 Human Resources & Risk Mgmt Administrator (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1110 Judicial Administrative Officer 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1103 Public Works Administrator (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m49 1201 Police Chief (3) 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 16,681 200,172 m48 13,355 160,260 14,029 168,348 14,740 176,880 15,486 185,832 16,277 195,324 m47 13,031 156,372 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 15,880 190,560 m46 1535 Police Deputy Chief (4) 12,712 152,544 13,355 160,260 14,029 168,348 14,740 176,880 15,486 185,832 m46 1405 Prosecution Director 12,712 152,544 13,355 160,260 14,029 168,348 14,740 176,880 15,486 185,832 m45 12,403 148,836 13,031 156,372 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 15,110 181,320 m44 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 13,355 160,260 14,029 168,348 14,740 176,880 m43 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 13,031 156,372 13,692 164,304 14,381 172,572 m42 1401 Sr Assistant City Attorney 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 13,355 160,260 14,029 168,348 m41 1212 Information Technology Director 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 13,031 156,372 13,692 164,304 m40 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 13,355 160,260 m39 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 13,031 156,372 m38 2178 Airport Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 2011 City Clerk/Public Records Officer 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1204 Communications Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 2373 Development Engineering Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1575 Development Services Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1501 Economic Development Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 2044 Emergency Management Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective January 1, 2023 STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E ELECTED OFFICIALS MANAGEMENT & SUPERVISORY (NON‐UNION) COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective January 1, 2023 STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E m38 1207 Facilities Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1210 Fiscal Services Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 2463 HR Labor Relations & Compensation Manager 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1406 Lead Prosecutor 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1571 Maintenance Services Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 8084 Parks and Trails Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1208 Parks Planning and Natural Resources Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1502 Planning Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 2031 Police Commander (5) 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1214 Recreation Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1570 Utility Systems Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m38 1572 Transportation Systems Director 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 12,712 152,544 m37 2148 Application Support Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m37 Equity Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m37 2175 ITS and Maintenance Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m37 2176 Transportation Design Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m37 2075 Transportation Operations Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m37 2177 Transportation Planning Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m37 2172 Utility Engineering Manager 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 12,403 148,836 m36 2024 Construction Engineering Manager 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 m36 2021 Current Planning Manager 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 m36 2073 Development Engineering Manager 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 m36 2501 Economic Development Assistant Director 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 m36 2020 Long Range Planning Manager 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 m36 1579 Redevelopment Manager 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 12,102 145,224 m35 1402 Assistant City Attorney 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 11,803 141,636 m34 2462 Human Resources Benefits Manager 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 m34 2413 Network Systems Manager 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 m34 2460 Organizational Development  Manager 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 m34 2409 Risk Manager 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 11,517 138,204 m33 5015 Budget & Accounting Manager 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 m33 1578 Community Development & Housing Manager 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 m33 2379 Sustainability & Solid Waste Manager 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 m33 3072 Water Maintenance Manager 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 11,238 134,856 m32 4480 Capital Projects Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m32 1577 Economic Development Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m32 3073 Fleet Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m32 4470 Parks Planning Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m32 3071 Street Maintenance Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m32 3083 Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m32 3070 Waste Water/Special Operations Manager 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 10,965 131,580 m31 3086 Facilities Manager 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 m31 8010 Parks Maintenance Manager 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 10,697 128,364 m30 Comms & Community Engagement Manager 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 m30 2407 GIS Manager 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 m30 2033 Police Manager 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 10,436 125,232 m29 2202 Communications Manager 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 m29 3084 Golf Course Manager 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 m29 1522 Human Services Manager 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 m29 1404 Prosecuting Attorney 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 m29 2087 Recreation Manager 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 10,185 122,220 m28 6031 Financial Operations Manager 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective January 1, 2023 STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E m28 5254 Permit Services Manager 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 m28 1116 Tax & Licensing Manager 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 9,934 119,208 m27 3011 Enterprise Content Manager 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 m27 1310 Grants Program Manager 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 m27 2578 Housing Programs Manager 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 9,689 116,268 m26 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 9,449 113,388 m25 2086 Head Golf Professional 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 m25 2562 Senior Benefits Analyst 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 m25 2563 Senior Employee Relations Analyst 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 m25 2410 Senior Finance Analyst 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 m25 2561 Senior Risk Analyst 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 m25 2380 Solid Waste Program Manager 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 9,222 110,664 m24 5112 Deputy City Clerk/Public Records Officer 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 8,996 107,952 m23 3562 Benefits Analyst 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 m23 3563 Employee Relations Analyst 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 m23 2080 Recreation Supervisor 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 m23 2461 Risk Analyst 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 8,779 105,348 m22 2404 Community Events Coordinator 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 m22 1510 Court Services Supervisor 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 m22 3461 Employee Health & Safety Coordinator 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 m22 8007 Golf Course Supervisor 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 m22 2091 Museum Manager 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 8,565 102,780 m21 2218 Tax & Licensing Auditor, Senior 6,857 82,284 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 8,350 100,200 m20 6,690 80,280 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 8,154 97,848 m19 6150 City Council Liaison 6,530 78,360 6,857 82,284 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 m19 6103 Executive Assistant 6,530 78,360 6,857 82,284 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 7,953 95,436 m18 5416 Payroll Technician 3 6,366 76,392 6,690 80,280 7,032 84,384 7,389 88,668 7,759 93,108 m17 5000 Legal Analyst 6,215 74,580 6,530 78,360 6,857 82,284 7,201 86,412 7,570 90,840 n16 multiple Administrative Assistants (All Depts) 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 6,654 79,848 6,996 83,952 7,345 88,140 n16 5118 Finance Analyst 3 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 6,654 79,848 6,996 83,952 7,345 88,140 n16 2217 Tax & Licensing Auditor 2 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 6,654 79,848 6,996 83,952 7,345 88,140 n15  5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 6,496 77,952 6,826 81,912 7,175 86,100 n14 5,743 68,916 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 6,654 79,848 6,996 83,952 n13 5115 Finance Analyst 2 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 6,496 77,952 6,826 81,912 n13 2662 Human Resources Specialist 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 6,496 77,952 6,826 81,912 n13 5032 Payroll Technician 2 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 6,496 77,952 6,826 81,912 n13 2216 Tax & Licensing Auditor 1 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 6,496 77,952 6,826 81,912 n12 5,470 65,640 5,743 68,916 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 6,654 79,848 n11 2488 Assistant Golf Professional 5,332 63,984 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 6,496 77,952 n10 5114 Finance Analyst 1 5,204 62,448 5,470 65,640 5,743 68,916 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 n10 5216 Payroll Technician 1 5,204 62,448 5,470 65,640 5,743 68,916 6,038 72,456 6,343 76,116 n09 5,080 60,960 5,332 63,984 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 6,185 74,220 NON‐UNION (CLERICAL, OTHER) COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE NON‐REPRESENTED Effective January 1, 2023 STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E n08 4,952 59,424 5,204 62,448 5,470 65,640 5,743 68,916 6,038 72,456 n07 4,833 57,996 5,080 60,960 5,332 63,984 5,601 67,212 5,881 70,572 n06 4,713 56,556 4,952 59,424 5,204 62,448 5,470 65,640 5,743 68,916 n05 4,599 55,188 4,833 57,996 5,080 60,960 5,332 63,984 5,601 67,212 n04 4,489 53,868 4,713 56,556 4,952 59,424 5,204 62,448 5,470 65,640 n03 4,384 52,608 4,599 55,188 4,833 57,996 5,080 60,960 5,332 63,984 n02 4,277 51,324 4,489 53,868 4,713 56,556 4,952 59,424 5,204 62,448 n01 5138 Office Specialist 4,178 50,136 4,384 52,608 4,599 55,188 4,833 57,996 5,080 60,960 $6,937 Completion of 5 Yrs Completion of 10 Yrs Completion of 15 Yrs Completion of 20 Yrs Completion of 25 Yrs Completion of 30 Yrs (1) In addition to salary receives annual car allowance of $4800 or use of a city vehicle. (2) (3) Not eligible for Longevity/Education or Uniform Allowance (4) Not eligible for Longevity/Education or Uniform Allowance Eligible for 3% cash premium or 3% into deferred compensation per employee's discretion for passing physical fitness. (5)Receive Education/Longevity & Uniform Allowance based on Union Contract. Eligible for 3% deferred compensation for passing physical fitness.  Eligible for P2 paid job injury leave based on Union Contract. (6) 4 year term  (7) Council president to be paid $300/month above council members salary. for Management and Non‐Represented employees; except for CAO receives 11% per year. 5% Step a14E $347 per month 6% Step a14E $416 per month 7% Step a14E $486 per month Council members salary set per Salary Commission effective 4/1/20.  Council receives 2% of salary for deferred comp.  If members are  prohibited from participating in PERS, they receive an extra 1.4 % of salary for deferred compensation.   The city contributes 4% of employee's base wage per year to a deferred compensation account  3% Step a14E $208 per month 4% Step a14E $277 per month 2% Step a14E $139 per month NON‐REPRESENTED LONGEVITY PAY as of 1/1/2023 Step a14, E = COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual a40 10,796 129,552 11,335 136,020 11,910 142,920 12,515 150,180 13,146 157,752 a39 10,551 126,612 11,075 132,900 11,618 139,416 12,209 146,508 12,827 153,924 ‐ a38 10,282 123,384 10,796 129,552 11,335 136,020 11,910 142,920 12,515 150,180 a37 10,046 120,552 10,551 126,612 11,075 132,900 11,618 139,416 12,209 146,508 a36 2428 Principal Civil Engineer 9,791 117,492 10,282 123,384 10,796 129,552 11,335 136,020 11,910 142,920 a35 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 10,551 126,612 11,075 132,900 11,618 139,416 a34 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 10,282 123,384 10,796 129,552 11,335 136,020 a33 2475 Civil Engineer 3 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 10,551 126,612 11,075 132,900 a32 2425 Utility/GIS Engineer 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 10,282 123,384 10,796 129,552 a31 2078 Assistant Airport Manager 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 10,551 126,612 a31 2022 Principal Planner 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 10,551 126,612 a31 2431 Structural Plans Examiner 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 10,551 126,612 a30 2512 Client Technology Sys & Support Super. 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 10,282 123,384 a30 2474 Civil Engineer 2 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 10,282 123,384 a29 2570 Program Development Coordinator 2 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 a29 2451 Senior Systems Analyst 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 10,046 120,552 a28 2422 Senior Planner 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 a28 2480 Capital Project Coordinator 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 a28 2416 Senior Network Systems Specialist 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 9,791 117,492 a27 2452 Senior Business Systems Analyst 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 9,557 114,684 a26 2473 Civil Engineer I 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 a26 2506 GIS Analyst 3 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 a26 2417 Systems Analyst 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 a26 3473 Water Utilities Maintenance Supervisor 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 9,323 111,876 a25 2481 Facilities Coordinator 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 a25 3484 Lead Electrical/Ctrl Systems Technician 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 a25 2470 Program Development Coordinator 1 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 a25 2170 Property Services Agent 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 a25 8179 Signal/Electronic Systems Supervisor 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 9,099 109,188 a24 2420 Database Technician 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a24 3450 Lead Building Inspector 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a24 2430 Lead Code Compliance Inspector 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a24 3469 Lead Construction Engineering Inspector 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a24 2403 Senior Economic Development Specialist 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a24 2419 Network Systems Specialist 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a24 2476 Transportation Planner 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 8,878 106,536 a23 8475 Airport Ops & Maintenance Supervisor 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 2429 Building Plan Reviewer 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 2421 Business Systems Analyst 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 2472 Engineering Specialist 3 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 2505 GIS Analyst 2 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 8175 Pavement Management Technician 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 2450 Plan Reviewer 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 2484 Property Services Specialist 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2023 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2023 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a23 8001 Street Maintenance Services Supervisor 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 8002 Waste Water Maint. Services Supervisor 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a23 8000 Water Maintenance Services Supervisor 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 8,655 103,860 a22 5197 Neighborhood Program Coordinator 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 a22 5002 Senior Paralegal 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 a22 6129 Utility Accounts Supervisor 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 8,448 101,376 a21 2424 Associate Planner 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 3452 Building Inspector/Combination 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 3451 Building Inspector/Electrical 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 2016 Case Manager 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 2427 Code Compliance Inspector 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 2200 Communications Specialist 2 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 3472 Construction Engineering Inspector 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 8008 Custodial Maintenance Supervisor 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 5130 Emergency Management Coordinator 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 3089 Facilities Supervisor 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 5111 GIS Analyst 1 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 8006 Parks Maintenance Supervisor 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 3483 Signal/Electronics Systems Technician 3 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 8004 Traffic Signage & Marking Supervisor 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a21 8011 Water Meter Tech. Services Supervisor 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 8,242 98,904 a20 2079 Business Coordinator ‐ Airport 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 a20 2402 Economic Development Specialist 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 a20 2487 Housing Repair Coordinator 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 a20 2489 Human Services Coordinator 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 8,038 96,456 a19 6128 Accounting Supervisor 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 2612 Client Technology Services Specialist 2 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 7182 Electrical Technician 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 3453 Energy Plans Reviewer 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 2471 Engineering Specialist 2 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 3485 HVAC Systems Technician 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 7172 Lead Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a19 8178 Water Utility Instr./SCADA Technician 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 7,844 94,128 a18 3456 Development Services Representative 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 a18 5195 Farmers Market Coordinator 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 a18 2015 Probation Officer 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 a18 2083 Recreation Program Coordinator 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 a18 2381 Senior Sustainability  Specialist* 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 7,650 91,800 a17 2423 Assistant Planner 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a17 8374 Maintenance Buyer 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a17 5001 Paralegal 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a17 5012 Public Records Specialist 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a17 3482 Signal/Electronics Systems Technician 2 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a17 3470 Water Quality/Treatment Plant Operator 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a17 2205 Digital Communications Specialist 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 7,464 89,568 a16 8284 Lead Golf Course Maintenance Worker 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 a16 8074 Lead Maintenance Services Worker 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 a16 8080 Lead Parks Maintenance Worker 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 a16 5196 Program Assistant 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 a16 2382 Sustainability Specialist* 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 7,284 87,408 a15 4014 City Clerk Specialist 2 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 2613 Client Technology Services Specialist 1 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 6167 Court Operations Specialist 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2023 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a15 7181 Facilities Technician 2 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 7184 Grounds Equipment Mechanic 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 8174 Lift Station Technician 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 5122 Planning Technician 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 5180 Senior Program Specialist 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 8574 Senior Traffic Maintenance Worker 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 7170 Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a15 3474 Water Utility Maintenance Technician 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 7,108 85,296 a14 5161 Asset Management Systems Technician 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 a14 5160 Recreation Systems Technician 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 6,937 83,244 a13 8474 Airport Operations Specialist 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 3471 Engineering Specialist 1 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 7180 Facilities Technician 1 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 3487 Housing Maintenance Technician 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 6263 Permit Services Specialist 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 7110 Print & Mail Supervisor 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 5179 Program Specialist 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a13 3481 Signal/Electronics Systems Technician 1 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 6,762 81,144 a12 2201 Communications Specialist 1 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 a12 8283 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 3 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 a12 6166 Judicial Specialist 2 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 a12 8173 Maintenance Services Worker 3 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 a12 8083 Parks Maintenance Worker 3 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 a12 8573 Traffic Maintenance Worker 2 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 6,597 79,164 a11 8473 Airport Maintenance Worker 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 5014 City Clerk Specialist 1 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 7173 Fleet Management Technician 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 8183 Lead Maintenance Custodian 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 6265 Payroll Analyst 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 5007 Public Records Specialist 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 2486 Recreation Specialist 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a11 8109 Water Meter System Specialist 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 6,435 77,220 a10 6164 Judicial Specialist/Trainer 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 a10 6165 Legal Assistant 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 a10 6263 Permit Technician 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 a10 6163 Probation Clerk 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 6,284 75,408 a09 6131 Accounting Assistant 4 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 a09 6151 Administrative Secretary 1 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 a09 8286 Golf Course Operations Assistant 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 a09 8070 Mechanic's Assistant 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 a09 2085 Recreation Assistant 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 6,127 73,524 a08 8282 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 2 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 7126 Housing Repair Technician 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 6162 Judicial Specialist 1 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 6109 Lead Office Assistant 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 8172 Maintenance Services Worker 2 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 8082 Parks Maintenance Worker 2 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 8375 Purchasing Assistant 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a08 8572 Traffic Maintenance Worker 1 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 5,984 71,808 a07 6132 Accounting Assistant 3 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 a07 8184 Maintenance Custodian 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 a07 7112 Print & Mail Operator 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 a07 6142 Secretary 2 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 COLA 4.5% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE  AFSCME, Local 2170 Effective January 1, 2023 STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E a07 8111 Water Meter Technician 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 5,830 69,960 a06 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 5,692 68,304 a05 6134 Accounting Assistant 2 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 a05 6130 Office Assistant 3 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 a05 6141 Secretary 1 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 5,551 66,612 a04 6160 Court Security Officer 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a04 8281 Golf Course Maintenance Worker 1 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a04 8181 Lead Custodian 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a04 8171 Maintenance Services Worker 1 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a04 8081 Parks Maintenance Worker 1 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a04 6282 Pro Shop Assistant 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a04 8576 Solid Waste Maintenance Worker 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 5,419 65,028 a03 6136 Accounting Assistant 1 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 a03 6120 Office Assistant 2 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 a03 8079 Parks Maintenance Assistant 2 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 a03 7111 Print & Mail Assistant 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 5,285 63,420 a02 4,244 50,928 4,451 53,412 4,677 56,124 4,908 58,896 5,156 61,872 a01 8182 Custodian 4,133 49,596 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 a01 6281 Golf Course Associate 4,133 49,596 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 a01 6111 Office Assistant 1 4,133 49,596 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 a01 7079 Parks Maintenance Assistant 1 4,133 49,596 4,342 52,104 4,560 54,720 4,789 57,468 5,030 60,360 $6,937 Completion of 5 Yrs Completion of 10 Yrs Completion of 15 Yrs Completion of 20 Yrs Completion of 25 Yrs Completion of 30 Yrs The city contributes 1% of employee's base wage per year to a VEBA account.  The city contributes 3% of employee's base wage per year to a deferred compensation account. (Article 14) 6% Step a14E $416 per month 7% Step a14E $486 per month per month  LONGEVITY PAY Step a14, E = 2% Step a14E $139 per month 3% Step a14E $208 per month 4% Step a14E $277 per month 5% Step a14E $347 POLICE DEPARTMENT ‐ Commissioned Officers 5.0% Grade Code Monthly Annual Monthly Annual Police Chief See Management & Supervisory Matrix, Grade m49 Police Deputy Chief See Management & Supervisory Matrix, Grade m46 Police Commander See Management & Supervisory Matrix, Grade m38 pc61 3035 Sergeant*10,859 130,311 11,402 136,828 (15% over Police Officer)*Step increase at 24 months pc60 4131 Patrol Officer II 7,653 91,840 8,256 99,072 8,847 106,170 9,444 113,327 pc59 4130 Patrol Officer I 7,203 86,442 7,770 93,241 8,327 99,922 8,888 106,662 Percent      Interpreters ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐3%      Detectives ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Traffic Assignment‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Motorcycle Assignment‐‐‐‐‐2%      Canine Officer ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Corporal Assignment ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐7.5%      Field Training Officer ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      Training Officer‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      SWAT Assignment ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%      SRO Assignment‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4%       Civil Disturbance Unit ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Paid at rate of double time with 3 hrs minimum when called to emergency.     Crisis Communication Unit‐‐Paid at rate of double time with 3 hrs minimum when called to emergency. Percentage (of base wage) Percentage (of base wage) ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Effective 1‐1‐18, Patrol Officer II and Sergeant had 6.25% added to their base pay to reflect the additional 109 hours worked  in a calendar year.  This is reflected in the ranges above. Effective January 1, 2008, Sergeants assigned to Investigation and Traffic Unit will not receive the 3% premium if they have  been in the position of Sergeant for 24 months. NOTE:  Please refer to the current labor agreement for specific information. AA Degree (90 credits) 4% BA Degree/Masters Degree 6% The city contributes 2% of employee's wage base toward deferred compensation. (Appendix A.2.3) The city contributes 3% of employee's wage base toward deferred compensation for passing physical fitness. (Article 6.8.4,  and Appendix A.2.4) Effective 1‐1‐2020, the city began contributing 1% of employee's wage base to a VEBA plan.  (Article 14.11) Completion of 10 Yrs 4% Completion of 15 Yrs 6% Completion of 20 Yrs 10% Completion of 25 Yrs 12% Completion of 30 Yrs 14% MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY  (Appendix B) Position Title HAZARD DUTY AND PREMIUM PAY (Article 6.7 and 6.8) MONTHLY LONGEVITY PAY  (Appendix B) Years of Service Completion of   5 Yrs 2% Frozen Frozen 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE Effective January 1, 2023 STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E Wage Adjustment  POLICE DEPARTMENT ‐ Non‐Commissioned Employees 5.0% Grade Code Position Title Monthly Annual Monthly Annual pn70 6,754 81,048 7,302 87,624 8,024 96,288 8,817 105,804 9,281 111,372 pn69 6,589 79,068 7,123 85,476 7,828 93,936 8,603 103,236 9,054 108,648 pn68 6,429 77,148 6,950 83,400 7,637 91,644 8,392 100,704 8,834 106,008 pn67 4140 Community Engagement Coord. 6,272 75,264 6,781 81,372 7,451 89,412 8,187 98,244 8,618 103,416 pn66 6,118 73,416 6,615 79,380 7,269 87,228 7,988 95,856 8,407 100,884 pn65 5,969 71,628 6,453 77,436 7,092 85,104 7,793 93,516 8,203 98,436 pn64 5,823 69,876 6,296 75,552 6,918 83,016 7,603 91,236 8,002 96,024 pn63 5,682 68,184 6,143 73,716 6,749 80,988 7,417 89,004 7,808 93,696 pn62 6178 Police Service Specialist Supv 7,835 94,020 Step E(15% above Specialist, Step E) pn61 4133 Electronic Home Detention Coord 5,538 66,456 7,595 91,140 pn60 4120 Crime Analyst 5,613 67,356 6,066 72,792 6,663 79,956 7,183 86,196 7,543 90,516 pn59 4121 Domestic Violence Victim Advocate 5,240 62,880 5,692 68,304 6,325 75,900 6,954 83,448 7,322 87,864 pn58 3432 Evidence Technician 5,284 63,408 5,703 68,436 6,276 75,312 6,904 82,848 7,260 87,120 pn57 6182 Police Service Specialist Lead 7,153 85,836 (5% above Specialist, Step E) pn56 4135 Animal Control Officer 4,983 59,796 5,388 64,656 5,924 71,088 6,514 78,168 6,842 82,104 pn54 6181 Police Service Specialist 4,963 59,556 5,361 64,332 5,901 70,812 6,490 77,880 6,813 81,756 pn53 6183 Police Secretary 4,304 51,648 4,645 55,740 5,116 61,392 5,629 67,548 5,906 70,872 pn53 4137 Parking Enforcement Officer 4,304 51,648 4,645 55,740 5,116 61,392 5,629 67,548 5,906 70,872 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE Effective January 1, 2023 STEP ASTEP BSTEP CSTEP DSTEP E Wage adjustment POLICE DEPARTMENT ‐ Non‐Commissioned Employees 5.0% 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE Effective January 1, 2023 Wage adjustment Interpreter Premium…………...……………………..…………….................….....……….3% of base pay (Article 6.5.2) 2.5% of base pay  (Article 6.5.3) 4% of base pay (Article 6.5.1) Double time with 3 hrs min (Article 6.4) ‐ Effective 1/1/2020, the city began contributing 1% of the employee's base wage to a VEBA plan.  (Article 14.10) ‐ The city contributes an additional 3% of employee's wage base toward deferred comp for passing physical fitness prior to  beginning of each calendar year. (Article 6.8.3) Completion of 25 Yrs 12% Completion of 30 Yrs 14% MONTHLY EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY SCHEDULE (Appendix B.2) Percentage (of base wage) AA Degree (90 credits) 4% BA/BS Degree or Masters Degree 6% ‐ The city contributes 4.5% of the employee's base wage to a deferred comp account.  (Appendix A.3) Completion of 10 Yrs 4% Completion of 15 Yrs 6% Completion of 20 Yrs 10% Completion of 5 Yrs 2% NON‐ COMMISSIONED PREMIUM PAY (Articles 6.4 and 6.5) Public Records Act Premium……..…………………………………...............……………… Field Training Officer, FTO (Police Service Specialist)…...............…………........ Crisis Communication Unit………..........…………………………..............…………..…. POLICE NON‐COMMISSIONED‐ MONTHLY LONGEVITY INCENTIVE PAY SCHEDULE (Article 12, Appendix B.1) Years of Service Percentage (of base wage) Grade STEP A STEP B STEP C STEP D STEP E h08 15.75 16.00 h09 16.25 16.50 16.75 17.00 17.25 h10 17.50 17.75 18.00 18.25 18.50 h11 18.75 19.00 19.25 19.50 19.75 h12 20.00 20.50 21.00 21.50 22.00 h13 22.50 23.00 23.50 24.00 24.50 h14 25.00 25.50 26.00 26.50 27.00 h15 27.50 28.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 h16 30.00 30.50 31.00 31.50 32.00 h17 32.50 33.00 33.50 34.00 34.50 h18 35.00 35.50 36.00 36.50 37.00 h19 37.50 38.00 38.50 39.00 39.50 h20 40.00 40.50 41.00 41.50 42.00 h21 42.25 42.50 42.75 43.00 43.25 h22 43.50 43.75 44.00 44.25 44.50 h23 45.00 45.50 46.00 46.50 47.00 h24 47.50 48.00 48.50 49.00 49.50 h25 50.00 51.00 52.00 53.00 54.00 h26 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 h27 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00 h28 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 2023 CITY OF RENTON SALARY TABLE SUPPLEMENTAL EMPLOYEE WAGE TABLE