HomeMy WebLinkAboutLUA17-000162_Report 1DEPARTMENT 01 IMMUNITY --------Renton® AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING DIVISION ROUTINE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PERMIT DATE: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT MANAGER: OWNER: APPLICANT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: EVALUATION FORM & DECISION April 11, 2017 LUA17-000162, RVMP Whitman Ct Sequoia Tree Removal Angelea Weihs, Assistant Planner Helena Hufana 170Whitman Ct NE Renton, WA 98059 Peter Gillooly 170 Whitman Ct NE Renton, WA 98059 170 WHITMAN CT NE The applicant is requesting approval of a Routine Vegetation Management Permit in order to remove one "landmark" (thirty caliper inches or greater) giant sequoia on the property located at 170 Whitman Ct NE (See Exhibit 1). The lot is within the Residential-6 (R-6) Zone and is 8,365 square feet. There is an existing single family home on the site. The tree is located on the southwest corner of the lot. A stream and wetland is located off-site to the northeast of the property. The applicant submitted a wetland and stream study completed by ARJ Environmental Consulting Services, dated December 9, 2016, that confirms that the tree proposed for removal is located outside of the critical area buffers. Pursuant to Renton Municipal Code (RMC) 4-11-200 'Definition of Tree' a tree 30 caliper inches or greater is considered a 'Landmark Tree'. A Landmark Tree requires RVMP approval per RMC 4-4-130F.2.d 'Remova of Landmark Tree.' Per RMC 4-4-130F.2.d, removal of a landmark tree may be granted for situations where: the tree is determined to be a dangerous tree; or the tree is causing obvious physical damage to structures including but not limited to building foundations, driveways or parking lots, and for which no reasonable alternative to tree removal exists; or removal of tree(s) to provide solar access to buildings incorporating active solar devices; or the Administrator determines the removal is necessary to achieve a specific and articulable purpose or goal of this Title. The applicant proposes to remove the tree due to potential hazards the tree may pose to property and life safety. Page 1 of 3 City of Renton Department mmunity & Economic Development Routine Vegetation Management Permit WAll-000162, RVMP, Whitman Ct Sequoia Tree Re,, ,oval City arborist, Terry Flatley, inspected the tree and noted that the tree was planted in an area bounded on the north and south sides with concrete driveways, and on the west with concrete sidewalk and the street (Exhibit 2). Mr. Flatley noted that on the north side of the tree, the trunk is one foot away from the driveway, and the driveway is heaved by more than six inches with a gap that allows water to penetrate and undermine the driveway. Mr. Flatley states that the driveway to the south is still intact, but the soil beneath is washing-out because of roots uplifting and soil being displaced. Mr. Flatley concludes that there is little opportunity for this tree to become larger without causing significant concrete damage to private property and to the public sidewalk and street. Because of the size of the tree, its future growth potential, and a medium tolerance to construction damage (root cutting), Terry Flatley recommends removal of the tree. Staff recommends as a condition of approval that the applicant either replace the tree with a minimum of two (2-inch caliper) trees within thi front yard or one (2-inch caliper) tree within the public right-of-way, in order to maintain the existing tree canopy and comply with landscaping regulations, per RMC 4-4-070F.3. EXPIRATION DATE : April 11, 2018 GENERAL REVIEW CRITERIA 4-4-130HS: YES 1. YES 2. YES 3. YES 4. YES 5. YES 6. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to landslides, accelerated soil creep, settlement and subsidence or hazards associated with strong ground motion and soil liquefaction. The land clearing and tree removal will not create or contribute to flooding, erosion, c increased turbidity, siltation or other form of pollution in a watercourse. Land clearing and tree removal will be conducted to maintain or provide visual screening and buffering between land uses of differing intensity and consistent with applicable landscaping and setback provisions of the Renton Municipal Code. Land clearing and tree removal shall be conducted in a way so as to expose the smallest practical area of soil to erosion for the least possible time, consistent with an approved build-out schedule and including any necessary erosion control measurei Land clearing and tree removal shall be consistent with subsection 02 of this Section, Restrictions for Critical Areas -General, and RMC 4-3-050-Critical Areas Regulations. Retained trees will not create or contribute to hazardous conditions as the result of blowdown, insect or pest infestation, disease, or other problems that may be created as a result of selectively removing trees and other vegetation from the lot. Page 2 of 3 City of Renton Department mmunity & Economic Development Whitman Ct Sequoia Tree Re ... oval Routine Vegetation Management Permit LUAll-000162, RVMP, YES 7. Land clearing and tree removal shall be conducted to maximize the preservation of any tree(s) in good health that is an outstanding specimen because of its size, form, shape, age, color, rarity, or other distinction as a community landmark. DECISION: The Whitman Ct Sequoia Tree Removal Routine Vegetation Management Permit is Approved with Conditions*. *CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The applicant shall either replace the tree with a minimum of two (2-inch caliper) trees within the front yard or one (2-inch caliper) tree within the public right-of-way, in order to maintain the existing tree canopy and comply with landscaping regulations, per RMC 4-4-070F.3. SIGNATURE & DATE OF DECISION: r I 0,),~) tlr'\ 1,f.{tM,t, \ April 11, 2017 Jennifer He;ning, Planning Dire'ct6r Date Appeals of permit issuance must be filed in writing on or before S:00 p.m. on April 25, 2017, together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Rentar WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's Office, 425-430-6510. Reconsideration: Within 14 days of the decision date, any party may request that the decision be reopened by the approval body. The approval body may modify his decision if material evidence not readily discoverable prior to the original decision is found or if he finds there was misrepresentation of fact. After review of the reconsideration request, if the approval body finds sufficient evidence to amend the original decision, there will be no further extension of the appeal period. Any person wishing to take further action must file a formal appeal within the 14-day appeal time frame. Expiration: The Routine Vegetation Management Permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance. An extension may be granted by the Planning Division for a period of one year upon application by the property owner or manager. Application for such an extension must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance of the expiration of the original permit and shall include a statement of justification for the extension. Page 3 of 3 81.186 1/Jt '31ll'i3S H.JJlOS llillfilV JU99 6D6Zl S3:J1Af:l3Sr~v ElNl11nSNOO 1'vl.N3~Nffi:HAN3 , 6S086 VM 'NO.LN3ll '3N "J;J NVJ'llllll!. OL! ~ J1VJS O,! lON :S,ooo <;. -~ "' :;, ~~ • -:"\7.:) \ <.. --....._.c ·:~ -~ \ of.', ~ C) ;. \.. \- \\.I\-- ' ~ ::i::: u 0 1:--... >'lJ :::.::: C/) p:; 0 t:.LI .... ti.. i:.i:... ::::, cq ~ 0 t:.LI ·o p:; 1:-- C/) • 0 I 0 "' II • ~ ~ EXHIBIT 1 QJ -\- Angelea Weihs From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Angelea, Terrence J. Flatley Thursday, March 02, 2017 4:34 PM Angelea Weihs RE: Sequoia Removal EXHIBIT 2 This is a very large giant sequoia that was planted in an area bounded on the north and south sides with concrete driveways and on the west with concrete sidewalk and the street. The east side of the tree has the most area for root expansion. On the north side of the tree, the trunk is one foot away from the driveway and the driveway is heaved by more than six inches with a gap that allows water to penetrate and undermine the driveway. The driveway to the south, is still intact but the soil beneath is washing-out because of roots uplifting and soil being displaced. There is little opportunity for this tree to become larger without causing significant concrete damage to private property and to the public sidewalk and street. Because of the size of the tree, its future growth potential, and a medium tolerance to construction damage (root cutting), there doesn't appear to be any good alternatives to retaining this tree and repairing property. The damage seen will get progressively worse and more expensive if left untreated. It is a safety concern (trip and fall). Cutting roots to make repairs on such a large tree in the confined space it grows in, sets it up for failure during severe weather events; I do not recommend root cutting. Terry Flatley, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Manager Community Services Department-6th Floor 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 425-430-6601 ISA Certified Arborist -Municipal Specialist -----Original Message----- From: Angelea Weihs Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:53 PM To: Terrence J. Flatley <Tflatley@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: RE: Sequoia Removal Hey Terry, Are there any alternatives to tree removal that you can thing ofto minimize the problem? -----Original Message----- From: Terrence J. Flatley Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:49 PM To: NoReply <NoReply@Rentonwa.gov> Cc: gillopr@hotmail.com; Angelea Weihs <AWeihs@Rentonwa.gov> Subject: Re: Sequoia Removal Hi, I inspected the tree. It is a 54 inch diameter giant sequoia in good to excellent condition. It is lifting up a large driveway slab by more than 6 inches. It also seems to be starting to undermine the neighbor to the south driveway. Trees that 1 become this large require much more surface area to grow successfully, ,;hich your site lacks. I believe the hardscape problems will become worse with time. Because it is a landmark tree, you may be subjected to permitting requirements and other tree removal requirements. Please contact Angela Weihs to determine your next steps, whom I have copied on this email. Terry Flatley, City of Renton, WA 2 ~ 8 Project: Whitman Ct Tree Removal NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL Parcel#: 252550-0460 Plat Lot/ Unit Number: 46 rl -· -m::::;::r:a,, r.:a--· -· ' , Scale: 1" : 200' Date : 1/10/17 -l .... ---=---M ~~tf2 :-;:i Source: E~n, D·g1 t<J IGlobe, GeoEye, Earth~tar ,:;.e ::.~ra ph,cs, C'JES/A rb,·~ D~ m >< ::c '""4 m '""4 """" w DEPARTMENT OF COi IUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division LAND USE PERMIT MASTER APPLICATION PROPERTY OWNER(S) PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT OR DEVELOPMENT NAME: NAME: 't-\ \ e. e_,-...,.. \-\ \) ~Ct..V\ 0.. \,Jr;,\"'~ Ct -I.~'<.., ~\Jo.. \ PROJECT/ADDRESS(S)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ADDRESS: N -\l O W \-:,-\-""".,.., (_ t t CITY: ~\OV\ ZIP: ~ios9 1"10 W\..1-\-"'10.t1 (_t \\)f=° ~\-av-\JJA 9'oOS9 TELEPHONE NUMBER: z.oe, £ 1i 2-2 'tC, KING COUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 252. 5S-OO'tG OOCf APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: ?e... \-e...-G,.:, \\ oo \ u EXISTING LAND USE(S): S·,~f\\..___ ~""' \ .... \.._,,,__ - COMPANY (if applicable): PROPOSED LAND USE(S): :::0..M e...-I tJ O CJ,.,.,,.., , ~ EXISTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: ADDRESS: I 1D \N \_; .\-M<,"' (__ t tJ i;-Re, i J.e..t-. \-'1e,,.. \ \,\J._\. '"" \)U\. •;:,h PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION CITY ~,\-oV\ ZIP: 9~0S-~ (if applicable) tJ I I\ TELEPHONE NUMBER: 2.0f, 77'? 2.1 (, 1- EXISTING ZONING: R-6 CONTACT PERSON PROPOSED ZONING (if applicable): /i IJ ~ NAME: (e.Je.c (;\\\t,o\ u SITE AREA (in square feet): 8~bS -1'.~2. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE COMPANY (if applicable): DEDICATED: IJ It.. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: ADDRESS \,... f 170 \JJ i 'MO.I"\ c..+ Nf ~ I ti. CITY: ~\_cV' ZIP 9~DS9. PROPOSED RESIDEflJ.TIAL 9.EJi~JlYjNJ,11'.':!J.T_§..f~FjJJr ACRE (if applicable) 1-J f A TELEPHONE NUMBER AND EMAIL ADDRESS: }.O(:, 77'fJ 2.1t.2. i' \\off~ \o\--,,,,c,:, \. c_oV11\ NUMBER OF PFJ='POSED LOTS (if applicable) ' • N/fi.. ... • NUMBER OF N"'"_nlNo= 1 ~.j,jt\ij.T~i'.PQ!i~: ....... N~ 1 H :\CED\Data \Forms-Tern plates \Self-Help Ha ndouts\Plan ni ng\Maste r Application .doc Rev:08/2015 PROJEC FOR NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): MATION {continued) PROJECT VALUE: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA, PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): NET FLOOR AREA ON NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if applicable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (if applicable): ----. -------------· ------ 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA ONE 0 AQUIFIER PROTECTION AREA TWO D FLOOD HAZARD AREA D GEOLOGIC HAZARD D HABITAT CONSERVATION D SHORELINE STREAMS & LAKES D WETLANDS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. __ sq.ft. (Attach leaal description on separate sheet with the followina information included) SITUATE IN THE --QUARTER OF SECTION __ , TOWNSHIP __ , RANGE __ , IN THE CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP I, (Print Name/s) __ , declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that I am (please check one) D the current owner of the property involved in this application or D the authorized representative to act for a corporation (please attach proof of authorization) and that the foregoing statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. i3, 7. I Date Signature of Owner/Representative STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence thatl(EML.11.LJ1ltg,'![1'i..j.:...t:i.ifc.I!.Ll,J,/,.=£'£U., acknowledge it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses Notary Public State of Washington GWEN CHU My Appointment Expires Jun 23, 2018 Nata My appointment expires: '\ /i Lf'\.L d 3 gf; f ( ~ / 2 H: \CED\Oata\Forms· T em plates\Self-Help Handouts\P Ian ning\Master Application.doc 7Md',7-c7l7 Date Rev:08/2015 Whitman Tree Removal 170 Whitman Ct NE Renton, WA 98059 Project Narrative: The property is located at 170 Whitman Ct NE, Renton, WA 98059, within the legal geographic description of: Section NW15; Township 23; Range 05 E. This will be a tree removal of a Sequoia with a trunk in excess of 4ft, whose root system is causing extensive damage to the adjacent driveway, creating an uplift of the concrete slab that has led to cracking of the driveway. Additionally, the uplift makes half the driveway unusable by a normal car as the underside will impact the raised area. As this is a landmark tree, it will require a Routine Vegetation Management Permit. The property, and its adjacent properties, is zoned R6 and it is a single family house. The back of the property is adjacent to a wetland and I have enclosed a wetland and stream study that addresses soil type and conditions of drainage. The tree itself is 102ft from the wetland. Access to the property from Union Ave NE is via NE 1st Pl to Whitman Ct NE. Construction Mitigation Description: The start date for the project will be as soon as possible and happen in 1 day between 8:00am and 5:00pm. The hauling/ transportation route will be from Whitman Ct NE, to NE 1'' Pl, to Union Ave NE (arterial}. (~ '- Project : Whitman Ct Tree Removal Parcel #: 252550-0460 Plat Lot/ Un it Number : 46 r~·~ ..... 1- re.., SITE PLAN Sc a le : 1" : 25 ' Dat e: 1/10/17 Sou r ce: for , D.g tal Gl ob~. G~oEy e , Earth st a r G eog r ap h i es , CNES/A rbus OS . USO (_\(;) Project: Whitman Ct Tree Removal Parcel#: 252550-0460 Plat Lot/ Unit Number: 46 TOPOGRAPHY Scale: 1" : 50' Contour Int: 2' Date: 1/10/17 : Esn, Di<;J 1l dlGlobe, GeoEy e , Ea rthst ar G eographies, CNES/Airbus OS, USO Print Form Reset Form Save Form DEPARTMENT OF co ..... lUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ---------RentOil E> @ TREE RETENTION WORKSHEET Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov 1. Total number of trees over 6" diameter1 , or alder or cottonwood trees at least 8" in diameter on project site 2. Deductions: Certain trees are excluded from the retention calculation: Trees that are dangerous 2 Trees in proposed public streets Trees in proposed private access easements/tracts Trees in critical areas 3 and buffers Total number of excluded trees: 3. Subtract line 2 from line J: 18 0 a 0 /?, -e-13 .a, 5 4. Next, to determine the number of trees that must be retained 4 , multiply line 3 by: 0.3 in zones RC, R-1, R-4, R-6 or R-8 0.2 in all other residential zones trees trees trees trees trees trees trees 0.1 in all commercial and industrial zones l .5 trees 5. 6. 7. 8. List the number of 6" in diameter, or alder or cottonwood trees over 8" in diameter that you are proposing5 to retain 4: Subtract line 5 from line 4 for trees to be replaced: (if line 6 is zero or less, stop here. No replacement trees are required) Multiply line 6 by 12" for number of required replacement Inches: --~(~8-'---trees ~ inches ___ ..:_ __ _ Proposed size of trees to meet additional planting requirement: (Minimum 2" caliper trees required for replacement. otherwise enter Ol -------inches per tree 9. Divide line 7 by line 8 for number of replacement trees 6: (If remainder is .5 or greater, round up to the next whole number) trees ------- 1 Measured at 4.5' above grade. 2 A tree certified, In a written report, as dead, terminally diseased, damaged, or otherwise dangerous to persons or property by a licensed landscape architect, or certified arborist, and approved by the City. 3 Critical areas, such as wetlands, streams, floodplains and protected slopes, are defined In RMC 4·3-050. 4 Count only those trees to be retained outside of critical areas and buffers. s The City may require modification of the tree retention plan to ensure retention of the maximum number of trees per RMC 4~·130H7a. 6 When the required number of protected trees cannot be retained, replacement trees, with at least a two·inch (2") caliper or an evergreen at least six feet (6') tall, shall be planted. See RMC 4-4-130.H.l.e.(ii) for prohibited types of replacement trees. 1 H:\CED\Data\Forms-T emplates \Self-Help Handouts\Planning\ Tree Retentkm Worksheet.dooc 08/2015 ••ooo V zon 8:04 PM ~ outlook.live.com :::: Sl1ow c1II 4 d\tJchrnents ,76 KB) Sdve all to OneD11ve ·· Pe, ,ondl Evernote Hi, I inspected the tree. It is a 54 inch diameter giant sequoia in good to excellent condition. It is lifting up a large driveway slab by more than 6 inches. It also seems to be starting to undermine the neighbor to the south driveway. Trees that become this large require much more surface area to grow successfully, which your site lacks. I believe the hardscape problems will become worse with time. Because it is a landmark tree, you may be subjected to permitting requirements and other tree removal requirements. Please contact Angela Weihs to determine your next steps, whom I have copied on this email. Terry Flatley, City of Renton, WA , ..... -1 * 27% CJ• C --DD < > DJ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -------Renton® WAIVER OF SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way-Renton, WA 98057 Phone: 425-430-7200 I www.rentonwa.gov LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITIAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: Arborist Report• Biological Assessment• AIJ Calculations, Colored Maps for Display • Construction Mitigation Description 2AND4 Deed of Right-of-Way Dedication , Density Worksheet 4 Drainage Control Plan 2 Drainage Report 2 Elevations, Architectural, ••o, Environmental Checklist 4 Existing Covenants (Recorded Copy) 1 ,.0 , Existing Easements (Recorded Copy) ,,No• Flood Hazard Data• AIJ Floor Plans ,..o• Geotechnical Report ""o, Grading Elevations & Plan, Conceptual 2 Grading Elevations & Plan, Detailed, Habitat Data Report• AIJ Improvement Deferral, Irrigation Plan 4 COMMENTS: PROJECT NAME: 170 Whitman Sequoia Tree Removal RVMP DATE: December 15, 2016 1 H: \CE D\Data \Fo rms-T emplates\Self-He Ip Ha ndouts\Pla nning\ Wa iversubmitta I req s. docx Rev:08/2015 LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: WAIVED MOOIFIED COMMENTS: BY: BY: King County Assessor's Map Indicating Site 4 Landscape Plan, Conceptual• Landscape Plan, Detailed• Legal Description 4 AW Letter of Understanding of Geological Risk• Map of Existing Site Conditions 4 Master Application Form• Monument cards (one per monument) 1 Neighborhood Detail Map• Overall Plat Plan• Parking, Lot Coverage & Landscaping Analysis 4 Plan Reductions (PMTs) • Post Office Approval 2 Plat Name Reservation 4 Plat Plan• Preapplication Meeting Summary, AW Public Works Approval Letter, Rehabilitation Plan• Screening Detail 4 Shoreline Tracking Worksheet 4 Site Plan 2AND • AW Site Plan can be combined with Tree Retention/ Land Clearing Plan Stream or Lake Study, Standard 4 AW Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental 4 Stream or Lake Mitigation Plan 4 Street Profiles 2 ntle Report or Plat Certificate 1••0• Topography Map, Traffic Study, Tree Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 Urban Design Regulations Analysis 4 Utilities Plan, Generalized, Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Final 4 Wetlands Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 2 H :\CED\Data\Forms-T em plates\Self-Help Ha ndouts\Pla n ning\ Waiversubmittalreqs.docx Rev: 08/2015 • LAND USE PERMIT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: Wetlands Report/Delineation 4 Wireless: Applicant Agreement Statement, AND 3 Inventory of Existing Sites ,ANo 3 Lease Agreement, Draft , AND, Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AND 3 Map of View Area 2ANDa Photosimulations , AND 3 This Requirement may be waived by: 1. Property Services 2 Development Engineering Plan Review 3 Building 4 Planning WAIVED MODIFIED BY: BY: 3 H:\CED\Data\Forms-Templates\Self-Help Handouts\Planning\Waiversubmittalreqs.docx COMMENTS: Rev: 08/2015 ,• AR.I Em•ironmental Co11sulti11g Services ··-·-·--·----·--·------------·-- To: Peter Gillooly 170 Whitman Ct. NE Renton, WA 98059 Date: December 9, 2016 Subject: Critical Areas Investigation for Parcel # 252550-0460 located at 170 Whitman Ct. NE, Renton, WA 98059 Authorizing Agency/ Reason for the Investigation In behalf of Mr. Peter Gillooly, AR! Environmental Consulting Services undertook a critical areas investigation on the property with parcel number 252550-0460 particularly to determine the presence of critical areas on the subject property and to use the information for permit application purposes, particularly for a tree cutting permit. Site Location/Description The property is located at 170 Whitman Ct. NE, Renton WA 98059 in King County, Washington (see Figure 1). The site is located within the legal geographic description of: Section NW15; Township 23; Range 05 East. The parcel is approximately 8,365 square feet with a single-family residence situated toward the south of the parcel. Coniferous trees are present along the property line in the backyard of the subject property. A sequioia tree is present in the southeast corner of the property (see photo #4). The property is bordered by single-family residences to the east and west, by Whitman Ct. NE to the south and a vacant parcel to the northeast. Date of Visit Site visit and field study was conducted on November 5, 2016 and December 7. 2016. Methods The National Wetland Inventory maps. Washington State DNR Forest Practices Application and Review System (FPARS) maps and Seattle Municipal Code were referenced in this investigation. Routine Small Area Methodology as described in Part IV; Section D of the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE. 1987); the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE, 1997) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0) were likewise referenced for wetland determination. The wetland determination was based on the presence of the three criteria for jurisdictional wetlands: hydric soils, wetland hydrology, and hydrophytic vegetation. All three criteria must be present in order to classify an area as a wetland. Prior to the field investigation, soil surveys, wetland maps, and hydrology data were reviewed. The presence or absence of critical areas within a 300 feet radius from the subject property were noted. ARJ Environmental Consulting Services December 2016 • • Findings: Vegetation: The subject property has evergreen trees species along the property lines in the backyard. The ground is covered with lawn grass of mixed species (see Photo# 3). The vegetation is non- hydrophytic. Soils: The soil in the project site is mapped by NRCS as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. Soil sampling in the parcel revealed a non-hydric soil. In sample location# l (SL# 1) from Oto 12 inches, the soil is a dark grayish brown (lOYR 4/2) sandy loam. From 12 to 20 inches, the soil is a dark yellowish brown (lOYR 4/4) sandy loam. In sample location# 2 (SL #2) the soils is dark grayish brown sandy loam from 0 to 12 inches deep, and a dark yellowish brown, sandy loam soil from 12 inches to 18 inches deep. No mottles were observed in the soil profiles. The soil in the subject property is upland in both sampling locations. Hydrology: There is no wetland hydrology on the subject property. Conclusions/Recommendations There is no wetland on the subject property, not all wetland indicators are present. The entire property is upland (see Photo #3). There is an off-site stream and associated wetland to the north of the property. The stream and associated wetland is closest to the northwest corner of the subject property (see photo# I and 2). The source of hydrology of the stream channel is from seasonal precipitation and run-off water. There is no flowing water during dry season or dry periods of the year. There is no fish habitat or fish observed along the stream during the site observation. The off-site stream to the northwest off the property is connected to the Honey Creek network of streams. The portion of the stream adjacent to the property is classified as 'Type Ns water". According to the City of Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 4-3-050.G.7 (a).iv. "Type Ns: Waters that do not contain fish or fish habitat and have intermittent flows. These are seasonal, non-fish habitat streams in \vhich surface tlo\v is not present for at least some portion of a year of normal rainfall and are not located downstream from any stream reach that is a Type Np Water. Ns Waters must be physically connected by an above- ground channel system to Type S, F, or Np Waters" According to the RMC Section 4-3-050.G.2 (Buffers) "Type Ns waters" shall have a buffer width of 50 feet measured from the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of the stream, or from the top of the stream bank if the OHWM cannot be identified. The off-site wetland located north of the property is rated as a Category IV wetland using the Wetland Rating Scale for Western Washington (Revised 2008). The wetland is forested with coniferous and deciduous species of trees with an understory of thickets of Himalayan blackberry, vine maple. salmonberry (see photo attachment). No actual wetland or stream delineation was conducted for the off-site critical areas. The wetland/stream boundaries are approximates based on best judgement criteria. According to the Renton Municipal Code (RMC) Section 4-3-050.G.2, Category IV wetlands shall have a buffer width of 40-feet measured from the edge of the wetland boundary for wetland with habitat scores of 8 -9 points (see attached wetland rating). 2 ARJ Environmental Consulting Services December 2016 There is no direct impact to the of-site wetland and stream and its buffers due to the proposed tree removal. The tree is outside the wetland and stream buffers (see Sketch Map). Any development activity should use best management practices to avoid impacts to the critical areas. Limitations Wetland and/or stream determinations and delineations are not final until approved by regulatory agencies and/or local jurisdictions. ARJ Environmental Consulting Services does not guarantee acceptance or approval by regulatory agencies, or that any intended use will be achieved. Angelo Josue, PhD Wetland Scientist ARI Environmental Consulting Services 3 December 2016 J / i·--·-·--· i l ___ --, ~I i I ~l~TID!~ ,!; Figure 1. Vicinity Map of Project Site (see arrow). Gillooly Property December 2016 Photo# 1. Portion of Off-Site Stream and Associated Wetland (Looking NW from subject Property). Photo #3 . Backyard of Property with trees. (Looking North). Gi llooly Property SITE PHOTO Photo# 2. Portion of wetland (looking north). Photo# 4. Sequioia tree SE of property proposed to be removed. December 2016 . Wetland name or numb WETLAND RATING FORM-WESTERN WASHINGTON Version 2 -Updated July 2006 to increase accuracy and reproducibility among users Updated Oct 2008 with the new WDFW definitions for priority habitats Name of wetland (if known): Off-site Gillooly Property D f . . . 11/5/2016 ate o site v1s1t: Angelo Josue Rated by Trained by Ecology? Yes0No D Date oftraining4f 7 ·&/too7 SEC: 15 TWNSHP:23 RNGE:05 IsS/T/RinAppendixD? YesD NolZI Map of wetland unit: Figure_/_ Estimated size 1 ~ ( /le ves SUMMARY OF RA TING Category based on FUNCTIONS provided by wetland IQ_ II E._ III _g__ IV )L Category I = Score >=70 Category II = Score 51-69 Category III= Score 30-50 Category IV = Score < 30 Score for Water Quality Functions Score for Hydrologic Functions Score for Habitat Functions TOT AL score for Functions Category based on SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS of wetland I_Q_ u_g__ Does not Apply Ji_ (p /0 d t/- F;nal Category (clm,., th< "h;gh~,· "'''""' from ,hove) I '( f I s ummarv o f b .. f f as1c m orma 100 a b tth OU ti d "t ewe an um Wetland Unit has Special Wetland HGM Class Characteristics used for Ratine; Estuarine r Depressional Jim Natural Herita2e Wetland -Riverine D Bo2 Lake-frin2e D Mature Forest Slone D Old Growth Forest C Flats D Coastal Lagoon r Freshwater Tidal r, lnterdunal r r None of the above Check if unit has multiple -D d' HGM classes present Wetland Rating Form -western Washington August 2004 version 2 To be used with Ecology Publication 04-06-025 l las~ification of \Vetland Units in Western Washington ll !f the hvdrol,1gk aitcria listed in each question do not apply lo the entire unit bei::Jg rated, you p,·.,h,·hly have a unit with multiple HGM classes. In this case, identify which I h)·drologi<' crwria iu questions l-7 apply, and go to Question 8. l. ______ _,,,,., ·------·-------------·-------------- I. \re Lile \\:'.ll ii.:\·_+, i 1 the entire u11:t usuall) controlled hy tides (i.e e>:cq11 durir'g lloods)'.1 ( '.'(lj g, · i· • _ YES -the wetland class is Tidal Fringe ....__ ___ _____ Ir\\'",. !.-... 'hl· '<Iii 11 it~ nf the \\ atcr during reric1ds ll r J.llllllJ.l icm llow he low 0. ') ppl ( parts per \h(l11s:1,1<:\'.' YFS-Freshwater Tidal Fringe NO-Saltwater Tidal Fringe (Estuarine) :: 1 r:: .' /:,,ml 1_·;117 ht' c!uss!finl cs a Frcs!111"ute1 Ti~'ltd F,-ingc use 1hc.fiwmsj()r Rh1erine ;1·c.1/:1n 1 i, !(it f,· \"u!t11·ater Tidal Frinxe ii is roted as an E.\·tuarine 1ret!und \Vdkmds that \\Ct, ,al!c'd ,:,.\uarinc in the lirst and second editions of the rating system are called Salt \\';1k1 ! Hi.!' I r ir :,;-1..' ·Ii :he l lJ.Jn,g~{ff;1or 1)hic CL1ssiiicHil•n. Estu.1ti11..: \\ct land:; \\Crc ctk.~', ··,1.:d :--q1~1raLcl) in the earlier editions. and this separation is heing kerL in this J\'\ i·-.:11:~. 1. mc1i11Li,~ i...:on-;i.;.;tL:ncy hi..·tween editions. tlw te1·1n ··Fs.ruai-i11e·· \\\.'tland i'.-kept \\ ('l: ,, .::1 ,:: (11, r ;..., flat and pr..::cipitation is the on!:, S\)LJrC\..' C>90 1\i) nf,,ater [11 iL ··: l! ,L : :1c,_· \\'atcr rurwff arc '\!OT sources of\\ atcr tn thi.: unit. vi,:s 1 1,c •.1•:tland clac;s is Flats J; ·.(·Jr ,,.·ihn'-: -...:111 hi.'. classified as a .. Flats" \\eLlanJ. ust: !hi: i'nrm for Dcpn~~sional . ~ I: 3. U,1c:,; lh,: u·· s:tlw1._i L111it meet both i:.1 fthc follu,\.ing LTilcria':· : , .. ~ '.: •. lJt._ . .._: 1X1i't of J1,,:; ,.,,dianJ is on the ~.ho res nl'a h)d) uf pcn11ancnt open \\alLT ·1.:·1· .. •UL .:111:.· \l'~el.::itiot: c,n the ~urfoc~J at le.:.bt ~(; a ... :res (S i1a) in si;-c-: \ T ! ~ :: ,,( ;:y ;) ,:.Cth..: open water area is dccpi:t than 6.6 It (2 m)'? ::·r:s --Tl.t.: \\d!a1td cia~;s i:-: Lake-fril"lge (Lacu~ti·ine Fringe) -t. !\);,.'~ tii...' \..'111•!··._ \ .. 'lland unit m~e( all 0J"thc JOl]o\ving criteria·? l\dL.Ji-!d i·: .•ll a _)l\lr·~' ( ,'/ope C(IIJ he \'<..:'l'.1" ,f.!_Uu/u,fl). :i.,'r ,_ \\\ thn·u::1 • 11 th:.. \\ctl:ind ill one direction (u11idircz:11onal) af"tcl u:-;ual!) 11,·.q, · ···"'" !1 n:·!y fl('\\' :-:.uh:-.ui-focc. a:--,hi_Tt+l1\\. or it~ :1 sw::-1le ,,ithr)ul ·\t!\('.' l·.~:1 ·.,.:,· !he ,,,.:!1'.rnd "'·ithout lwin~ impounded'.) ',_( l ···:, /,,·, ~1 ,:· _, .. 1,:,,., ... nr•f /UJnc/ ir 1/,1,,..,, 1_:.''" ,,(w('!loPd·.-i'\CC/'.1 r,r·, ·u.,io,ut!h· 111 ·--• 1 n10/ 1 -1Pd s/wl /01-r dejwessions or he hind h,1m,nock,· (dl'JJress ions d!'e u,·1w/ /_1 · ,r 1i"un.1·1,_·1· untl I~''" th{m l_fi,ut deep). \() -s!" t,, )T, ~ I he \\<:LlanJ class 1s Slope .-\ugusl :(104 5. Uul'\ th: i__:I -. \l,l'(l:1,,,_j t!.li1 nwd ~\n \,([!lC fnil11,\ing critcri,1 '' 1 hi' Tl. i,.: •11 :; 1. alk: .. )r stream channel.\\ here ir p.eis inundated h:_,. o\erh,mk '',111,J,;1~) rn\111 that ~llTDlll \lr ri\l'I' ·1 h:: ('\c-rh::m~ !loodin~ \ii..::curs at icast once ever) t\\O y~ars. \! nr_ r: ,· ,),·c,·i,,c 1111il cu11 c<>11lili11 dcprcs.1iu11s 1hal "rc.fil/cd 11·i1/, 1rn1cr 11 !,en 1/,c ril'cr is :!(,,' ,if()(l:/:.1,..:.: ··<(_)_) ~!\1 1.,• 'r F,-i·lic \\l'tla11d cla~:-, i~ Riverine \() ~( 7 1--. 11,c cn 1 1 ·: I I l ·, LI i I"!':..'. ·1ai1ll'_l;;·.· r : .. 1 t;r;, l ,:() -)c_• ./ l,11·.l: :il .,-, ,1 tt1ro.~_1::11hii.: Jcn1essio11 in ,,hiLh \\'atcr pond~. or is s,11u1·ated to the 1 :..: ::';1,· ('Ur;11.r.2 the; var. lhis mnms ilwl un_r ouilet. il'/)}"("a.:nt. is hig.1,cr 1/wn thl.! (·'1{1///:-, -.... ,, (YES_:) i·hl' \\l'lirnHI clns, is lleprcssional · ,_ 1: r·ll :11--ii !Pcatt:d 1r: a ,-ei·y !lat atTa \\ ith nn Pbviuu~ dcp1Tssic•n and nu overbank i1 d•.11.:'"> not pt111d surface ,,,ater more than a few inchc<..;_ l he unit SL'l'l11S to be !, T.,J,\~tte·· in L·1e area. li1i: \\cd,mJ 111H) bL'" diti..::hcJ. hut has 11i1 obvil1W, H. \'-,iL.t· \\L"ll,1 'I ·11·1;' -.:.,:,_·1:1> L he di!h~-LL! :ci ,:lassif:: .r'"'.d r,nib~:b:y Cllnl:.1i11::,, :--.evcral di!lcn .. -11t /-l(_i~;f cla,.c\. I or C\:111;·~!.-. :-Tep, ~tl the l•asc ura '-.lupe may ::.rade into :1 rin~r:ne llondplain. ·i 1• a smn!I :-,1r_·:1rn ,,_.j1i1i:1" .!,·1'r1_~::-..\i(,11ul \\·dland ha.c... a 1.one of flooding along its sicks. (iO BACK . .-\ND :!JI'< 11; 111 IIY!ll<(l!O(,IC Rl(;J\1fS IJFSCl{l11ED IN ()llSTlll\S 1-7 ,, . ) t.1 ' • ' ' I : ,' 1· ;,\!-·, /L~,-;;,_ \\ ' ! "'L1 1·,_ c--I : k r·ir\:-,, i 1· i-)~;~~~~~-i- ",' /' 1 \ It \ •:1 : (I 1 _i '' ,I,<_ : dt Li, I ' '.II' AS I'\ Tl! I-: l.lN IT ( make a rough sketch to help ,ou ckcidc J. lJ sc ;!'.1. 1111: app· 'priat1' cla~s lC' U')e for tf:(' r8ting s>stern it'Ynll h:1\e '">l'\-~ral \,,ur \\dta,~u NOTI.· l_l~c this table onl) 1ftht' L!ass that l:--. -,,_1 ,_·oi umn t"i..-'DlT\cnts I 0~-0 or more of the total c1rea of the '" d !~rnd unit · · _ir,::: 1·;··.:1: clas~ 1,q1.:d 111 column 2 1~ kss l!1an ld}o oi'the unit: cla~..:.;if:,. the ·-,1 , :_lu ·,..::prc-;,:r1t ~ .non.: th:rn l)()(11;> dt. the tntai area. ~-------------- ,-, , -~!!___L~_ve•lti1~'--,.,rh_l_1c_'t_-,·~,g~'-1_,._-1_c_d _______ ~f---h_'(_,_·.,1_;_· Class lo [/.~:' in Ratin:,: ,11. Ri\eri111..· t])._'1" I .ake-l'ringc --·----.... _________ _ J<i-, •"·1,1'.' ci:on:: s.·tr1':tm 1-\-i~l11n b'J1111dar:,. ........ ·-· -··----·-------------·---------------------l)('prc'lsinnal ___________ _ ::I-:.: -"r·,11!1~ -------- i,: ii !·ri 1.:!-'·_. and~'.-:\ l'lhcr class ut· frL'"shv.-ntc1 ____ Dcpn .. ·~.sional _________ _ Trc,11 ,h I.S J'l ,\,;J'\1f: uncic•· \\1.?LIJ!ld~ ',\ ith :-;p ;'' 1! ch:1r:w ll?ri sti cs .1 '.; · ' i.i·~ ll'J"Jll: Lll' \I. !J ich of th.: abd\ t' 1..TiH:ri:.i. ar ply !Cl ; 1 :LI I" \\ ct1a1',\. i)i' j j') nu i ,(; i_; chi ....... c\ v, it:·.i;", '-~ ,, .. Ji,rnd bdundary. c!:Ys;il)' the \\t'tla11d a:-; iltpressional _] ',.,11,, ".._'i ,\ :1sl1i r,,_·1,'>;· 'I. d,._'i il'..C \\ \_'l :i:: ------------------------- lh:1,, ·--~,-, .. ml ahu nah \\\:tlands Points W ATF; ( (Jf .. \I !TY Fl'J',('TlO"iS -Indicators that the wetland unit functi011, to ((\Ill\· I ~{;Ol"C 11r1 box) -"'"f-·----~ D D '' " n \ D n ?--·~-~--,~ \ \ \ '. -~ -~:.:~,:~~:.·_~£'.~~·---------------------------------, ·w tioiil '·i,•. nw [H)fcntial to improt..·1..·,,aterquality'! (see p.311) \ V / ----------·-------·-·----·----· -------------------t---------i cii"!C .. L· ·»:l;i...'1 :11 \\-', ll~ll orth-: 1\('\L111J: ,. 1 ,1,1 ~u1 l:1.l ,, c1ll'1· lea\ ing it (11(1 outlet) p,Jl!li~ .1.1 , l) ,h1\1 irl!..:.. · 'i\ l1igill,;, ,:onsLril'll'd P'-·n11;,1ic11tl: !111\·, tlb: ,iutlct :P-ninh 1",. ,) ,1 · 1'-" ·.)r ~ii,,llih nrn:-lricted, _a.;urii.h.:1: ,)utkt 1,:1 '011.111<',ii/1 1/,1111;;_,:) j)oi11h ,1 1 -·"i,:1: tl). 7 Lile ·,i.:_:-). 111 111 the 1·1;1t:,; ...:las-... \,i1h lk'r111a11l·t1t ..;,urh1...:e nutll,·\·. 1' .llo !lettt,1i 1 ,1· ''.1Llr.·:.isa111a11-1nc,1kdiLi1 p .. ,i11t- ,/rJtl l•.'r, ;ii !!ti!/ 1. ··1t1/('1·1:1illc.11/l:1 //01, !!!,'..:_ I and Figure_ ,·;, { _ Pr,:)Vide :-Ytoto or draw __ ,n~g~~-- k-·li~'-' ! :·., -.,111 ldCl' ( nr du! t la; '-'rl i.... ,,_ ~)I ()1y11l1, -'11v1._ .\ R( \ )!l•i_1_H:::. -1 1p'()jl)l:-, () --------------------~-----------------------------~·-·-----------·----- t'ori.:-.;1 C(i'\1.<1rdi,; l·la::s-.. l !Figure __ ' ·:11 .111.'_: ,1·.·,L 1.,~;!~·r,1tici11 >--'-l '~ of~uc'.1 Jhii111:--. ) ,l\_"11·. llll~'l,!'1.·,t \<.:~'.L'tali(lll ·,.:..:. j.-'jl) orct1\.'.'i:!\;::7' f\i:Jl., __ y ·1_'1 ,\, 1_111~·1:11,· · 1.::-·.r. ·atidi1 < r /I() or· ;_1rcc1 p,\11\1--;---() rv1s,: 1Jf =:cwardin V'Jgetation c 1._ ~;:,_;cs -----, "\' ,;,,, I ,1 •1 11:11~1 (Y inu11dc•tip11. Figure __ ;.,, ih,:.t i\ /1()//:(J /(!/' ,1: ,·( ,:,1 '_) /}/(,i/;i,c-. /1 in ,·01111' 1/1L· ure,' thur 1s ,i11·! 1:1u:11'lli'1_, :11, ·,,,; /; •! ut i I.I \ '/'\ )]:11 :irca ol'\\l.;llcuh! ,, :11t;rl ,1rc:1 nr \\Ctlc111d 'il.:J c!· \\C[::'11·,1 \/ ,-,,,; nb_cc _::_ C) (, .. 1t_, -rif i -----rv'.ap <if 1-1 .. ·.idrnoFfrlocis 1 t: -·----~,-----~ .-Jc/J !he /''"11/1 1/1 !he hows al·-'T I: _, ! 'I --' ! '·-·-----·---··· ·--------------------------! 1111i1 h;p:,• thl--' !.'l!.12!!.E.!J.!!li.!l to imrro\'e wa1t·r 011ali1~ ,i.D-., .,··'--ti·._-·,.: :\J\: 1111llu1:rnt." 1r ;1·A1i1,.h,:1: ... r t'i' :-.urhL·,~ \\:lll':· '.: ;1, ,:ith,-~n,;se 1\~('L!CL' ,,a: .. ·· ,.1u:ili1~ in ·._a:n··. hk ',, l'1;i 'I,; tl1:--'1,.::--,Ltnd .. \"tJ/'...' 11·/n·,_-/,. ,,(1/;_-lr,iluii 'il/., d1n,/1/1u;,., 1 'i iii;, i: : .. I,' rl \ . I 1111// /!.'(ii' he,'\',,' /J( ,t /;Ur.!.'!!., 'I;,, •. 11,~: ; I , ',', \ r', , 'I c1: .//1 • d.\ I '/",'.>(i/ ';/,///! · \ ,·t 1,i ,i ::·, .a~~,,-.!1 _h_ 1·::,v· '.·,l \h..'ll,rnd ,·;1,_11,,1,_ '\111•1: :-:.1 ,t 1)1 '-.\.':il:rn.l ·,i ,I '1 ,,, ,,-. . ,I di L'[-''.2_111~ L ,(\,,!'',(" ,I(\' \~i[lli!] I "°I ]\ ,',."\,L'[l:111(1 ,I',.'" i-. :.'.ll i11 p:1c.,1Jl·('t is ur 111truc2e1 ,I'._ (seep. 44) D '\· ! i. '1), 'I D 3.,.. I) i I, \ I,• '•'I '' / 11 i; -t ' \_,. ·---·-·····-··----------------··------- ,id Ji hn~-\'··,._).~Jands "' 11_) 1..1·L1 ·,tr..: .Ll: d-.:',.!T.Jdalion -----·-·-·---~ -·~-r, ____________________________ _ --------------- ,.-(,; · ,J1,·r lit \\s, OUl llj"lili.: \V('\i~tlkl lit1i' Points ( s011!~ I ',c·:i1,.; :·~·1 lio\ \ (,ee p.46) "------------! ' ,'I ' k, IL';:\ in,.'. it I nu nutll'tl p __ 12illi.~---4 \ . ,: ' ! ,·1 !hn• 'I; I , )[s' high I: C(ll1'i.tr.is.:1L'd pcrm,m'.;nt:\ Ck,,~ ii1;;, ><:r_k: (cni111~_,;_ ... ) L~·) /. 111 1n tlk l"i:11" ...:!:.b~. \\ill! 1ili"111c111i.:11L -..11rl,L'(· ,1utffi'j,;, and ,.,,:.._:1 ·" 1Pa11-111c1dc diti..:h p,, r,;, \ !i;:: . I ,'l[-'/"l!•Uil,'i//ll 1/ ,:1 1,:'.!,~_1-~11 . .:::__I_)_ ------, ,./•. ·, • ·u, ~,,. I I/' cit'(/\'.,{ /!r..11", ,' .1: 'I! I / iii ,,· •)! ',I.' id°'\'\ e till:' surtJCt' rn buitq!ll nf (ill(ict ,:n'-1 · •1·1 ( I '" :111 ,}7-, i-1",'Tl .,Wi'(ICl' ,.11' bO!:Pl11 (l;·~1u1:1..•1 , •:11 ,r1.·!;·, ,-,, or hl,'1.n1n ui" :·1.1 1 kt I 1, '11'i'1.:, 1 · ;1_' s1iT:1 11t 1 ,:iii lu ·.,,1,;, :.1'..:: ;l1·1..'<.1 of1i1L' u1:i1 p,·i111•, p,>1n1, flUIII\' !?~!_!_! )_; l''i'll, I, 1)/ ·2 1 -.) ·~ ' -·n:;..· :11·1!·, 11111111111..·~ 1111..· ;1r1_·,1 o! 1i1l' ::~:! I..._ l'' cJ\11_~.:_-_~IJ ' , , ' ·---·-----, 1tt.1 ,11(' i}()"/1/\ ,1, .h, ill).\.-, • ., I i..:' r) · 1 -·-····-····· ··-·-···-······------·----____ , __ ::; __ ij ,n 1· dw 0'2JlOr_tunitY to reuucl' flooding and ero>.:ion} {seep. 49) -.~1i1p·, ;II lh~· \\<)[,.,:'1-~ih'..J \' i1o_'';' [ill· ;1(11: •;l()i·ag~· !' i.--. ,. ~!·,, .. ;11··,1:l·I dtl n1.J ·1 ,:-..._'r, ,.,; 1.·1:.' t'101-\ ·-.. ,t, .,t.:~i ;,\ ,=. <ln11_·1_.'I'-' ,L ,J·. : 1 ,,, .'.''','_'/, :If'/-;'. _·_...-r'·r: \1h1\Cl'' ::nd ;·.(]' I :i"llk· \-.:111"" •.) d I" t·,r ~ti"~':i:~\ 1!:··1 1·1 ,; ,!-J1:11 1,: iw1,),J..-11~-. 11, t ~,:I :I:· . : (.\ .' ' ~-,·,' ' L, t.·:hfr r;;• ------.i ') -i «'' ~-J1 .. : _; 0_.,_ .. , ·'' ·:n,·. :, _;1) .-: \1-.:'etland name or number These questions apply to wetlands of all HGM classes. HABITAT FUNCTIONS -Indicators that unit functions to provide important habitat H I. Docs the wetland unit have the potential to provide habitat for many species? H ! . I Ve!!dation structure (seep. 72) Ch1!Ck the l)pes o/w;ge!alion classes presen! (as defined h,v Cmrarclin)-S'i=e threshold.for each class is~,, acre or more than 10% qfthe area (/'unit is smaller than 1.5 acres. Aquatic hcd v_ __ Emergent plants Scrubishruh (areas where shrubs have >30% cover) -,,_Forested (areas where trees have >30% cover) l,f'the uni! ha\ '.7fhrnted class check il __ The forested class has 3 out of5 strata (canopy, sub-canopy. shrubs. herbaceous. moss/ground-cover) that each cover 20% within the forested polygon .,Jdd the nwnher of'vegetalion structures that quul(fj;. lfyou have: 4 structures or more Map of Coward in veg·.~tation classes Points (unly I score pl':r box) Figure_ 3 /2 I structures structures structure points= 4 poiuts_= 2 (_p~ints_:f ·, poii1fs = o 1 ;H ! i I 1.2. f:[_1 drop,ri~ds_(.,·ee p. 7-') ( ·1zcck 1hr: f.'·'/h.!S o{ffuler reghnes (hydroperiod:,') presenl 11·ithin the h'elfand The H'Uter r,',<..!.illle hos 10 n11'1:T moru than 10% of'the wetlund or 1/., acre to count. (see text.fhr ( /,·s(_Ti/ 11 ir ms rf /1.1 ·droperiodsJ ____ l\:rman..:ntl; flooded or inundated 4 or more types present V .. Sea,onallv flooded or inundated 'v 3 types present OcGbiunall;· tlouded or inundated 2 types present v Saturated on!) I type present __ Permanently tlo\\·ing stream or river in. or adjacent to. the wetland -~·~--Seasonati) tlo\\·ing stream in. or adjacent to, the \Vetland points ~ J J1bitlls ~ 2)) point ~ I points= 0 !Figure __ I -; ____ lake-fringe wetland = 2 points Frnhwaler tidal wetland= 2 points H 1.3. Richness oC Plant Species (seep. 75) Map of hydroperiods Count the nnmber of plant species in the wetland that cover at least 10 ft'. (differc/1/ putd1cs ''.1 ihc ,ume 'lh'ci;;., cun he combined to meet the size threshold; I rr!ll u 1 (/ 11,11 lrui\_' to name the 1,pecies. D1, nut i,.(.-/1.1:lc Lurasion A1i(fhil, reed canmygrass. purrfe foosl!strfle. If you counted: > 19 species v 5 -19 species < 5 species Wetland Rating Form -\\C~lcrn \Vashington 13 ·version 2 l_:pdat~d with llC\\-\\'DFW definitions Oct. 2008 ( 'cmadiun Jhist/e poirit> =:=_J .,p·llints = 1 '\ ~oiiiK=ll Total for p,1gc _.d- August :='.004 I H l .-f. lD_J..;'_1:_~[1 __ ~s--io_11 ~)fb~l_bi,~11'.-·_(see p. 76) IJl'1.:idl' i"rom th,: dic1~ram.., bi.:lmv \Vhl'ther interspersion bet\\ecn CO\\ardin vegdation L·L.1..,..,e.., ( d1...' .... c..:rih('d in 11 1.1 ). or the classes and unvegetated areas (can include open \\'atcr or 111udllat"l i~ high. llll'diurn. low, or none. 0 Moderate :c:: 2 points c;~ -----' ~ [ riparian braided channels] , f ligh ~-: 3 points I ;\.( > n : ! I") uu have four or inmc classes or three \'egetation classes and open water th,: 1:!li11g. ic.; ahva~s; ··hiµh··. Use map of Cowardin vegetation classes i 11 i' _..:;_,.-.~·ii! l_;1:)il_;11_ i-catt1rc:-;:_(see p .. rj (Ill'(;,, 1i:t' /:(ti':"i.1/ h'1:tun.::.1. 1/wt ore /!i .. 1enl in the rret/u,.,) Tlw 1111mher of chcc.:ks i\' 1//e /1.-'.".'.1!~,,,. d ;10/'1/s _·1·011 Jml info J/il' nexi co/1111111. I :i1·1;,._'. d .. 1'.\11'-·, \\(H)(i:, dc-hri"i within the \\etland (>-tin. diamc-terand 6 n Jong). ______ :..;1a11di1;~; "' 1<1~_:_s;; d1a111l:ll'.r nt the bottom> 4 inches) in the ,vet land l"ndt'!Tlit l>;;11i\\ ,u·c present for .1t least 6.6 ft (2m) and/or o\'erhanging vegetation extends at lea...;l _,.; !i \, 111; o\,cr a :ari..:am (or ditch) in. or contiguous \\·ith the unit. for at least 33 tt { ! 1/11": ) \•,-, _ .. _,1-, ,~,;.r,L-.. oi' !inc-rnatcrial til'J 111ight he used by beaver or muskrat for denning (>3'•:1·.::-'_rc .. "'l·1;)t.'l OR ~ign:-i ofrcc..:n:_ beaver activit_, a;\· :11csent (cut shruh., nr trc"ts tlwt ih/\'c ;/ I~·/ '· ·:·11,) /l"l'_I· /J/'fJ\f/1) .\1 1.__.: . ,:er~ ni thi11-stt:m1neJ per::i.stcnt vegetation or ,,ood; branches are present in areas l h.il ,; :"'--· I)'-, 111:1 i 1l ·, '. l ~ or :-l' .1snnal I;· i nunclated. rstrucfllrr.:s f( ir <t:.c.-laying h_1 · umJJhihiaw J lm :::-i\...: )le.int:-U)\·1-:i' !e:-=:s than 25% nfthe wetland area in each stratum of plants \()I.' (:omments i: I. TOTAL Score -polrntial for providing hahital -~-------_-Jddthescorcsfi-om !{/./, HI.], H/.3. If/,-/_ 111.5 · . , L''"ll \\ H'>hii:g-lon 14 ..\u~ust ~:oo-t \er'.'.irn, ::' l_ pti:1L:il -,·i::: :>..:\\ \\T)F\\ J.cfini1in11~ Oct. ~008 igure_ I I ------l I I -----....11 H 2. Docs th(•,, dland unit have the opportunity to provide hahitat for many species'! II c. ! llu:·,cr, (,ec l'· SI!) ( 'honsc' ; h, dt '\'ai;,11 :"u11 1 /1( 1/ /1c.,· / nprL'scnh l , mdit ion (}(huffer (d. m:!lwul umf !he highe.1 I scurin:,:, crit,'f"i.'Jli tiw1 c:/i,1 .-/i, s /1J //IL· 1rct/,1uc/ is lo he used in !hi.! ruling .. \ec !cxl.fiir c/efi11i1io11 of '"itni //, I it1-/1, ·1 / J,:11; ·n i'·;. ·,,·1, d·1(!c1li\"-'ly undisturbed vegetated arc:as. rocky areas. or open \\cller >9~~··;) 1,1 cin_·i:.11k1\:. "-'l..'. No ...,lructure,;;; m\:' within the undisturbed part of buffer. (relati\'cl: l:ndi--.w1ta·~· :11·-;) 111:.::,ms; no-g:·azing. no landscaping. no daily human use) Points= 5 ; (JI) ,·.-1 1_3_:i. l"t ·.,:ii',·..: la,i\ l'ly un,_;isturl,-:d vegetated arl'as, rock:, ari.::as. or op,,:n \\akr 5 11 ···~ cl·, 1'1"1:. ;· "ll-'"-'· Points= .I, .:;;(1 111 11 ·1 111 1 · "I. 1el;itivcl) 11ndic..turh·:d v..::gctatcd areas. rocky areas. or open \\~Her >9-5%1 l·i1 _·1:1111i_T,T·1·c Points= -t 10:11.1 () -:1,,1) (1r1Tlc11ivcly undisturbed vegetated area::-. rod~) area5. or open \\ater> 251Yo c:n .. ·t1rnkr/ · . .-1' Points= 3 "0 i r i I '111'11 1:f rclJtivcl) undisturhcd vegetated areas. rock: areas. or orcn \\ater for·> .;;;no, (ir1:~1:11l",_·1-cm· ... ·. Points= 3 If huff(•; dot'.• n~t ~neet any of the criterfa ahoYt· 1',· .. ·1J\"1''1 · ';.'\.cepl paved trail-.:) or buildings \vilhin 25 111 (801'tJ o/'\\ttland · 9)1)·0 ,:·1\ t·rc1 k=· :11···.' l .i:;:ht to 1r1nd'"·rat...· ~-·:·:1zing. or la\vns are OK. Pnints ,:::: 2 'l''<e ~J,.-e~I ;--•·1~,1-.: qr builclings v,ithin ~Om of\\etland for >5(Y% circumference. I i:_,: . \(-· .\:-· ttt' ~·.1-;1;:in;. or hl\\ 11-; arc OK. Poi11ts = 2 : ' Points = 1 . :,,'.: i '.· :·\: .. .., . ..,r11 \\ i,_h· :6.C1i'ti fnr more than())% of the circumference (~.g. tilled i'iL·l.i,. 11:11,, 1,_. '.l'<i!1 bedrock e:-;_tenci to edge of\\etland Prirt,ts = 0. v/ .. 11.:iL"·;;, ,· n : 'I•, nft:~:·Git(':"ia2b0\C. "-Points= f ~--Aerial photo showing buffers ] ] 2 .: ;~ ... ,~r•::_:lt·'.!·. I 1 'l_ll_l1L"·:.."ii,F>, ('i('(' /1· .~!) l ! :? . ::. I l · · 11 (' 1.v_·1 !,ind p<ll l or a n::l,1.1; \ ::\J undi:;;turbcd and unh,"oh:cn vegetated corridor 1_(·iti11_·· ··i11:1·1.·1; ·'r 1_1p1·0 11d) 1hat i::.i c11 l:.:-;1q 150 ft \\idc. ha:; at least 30% covcrof:-,l-;q1h<., forc:-s1 or 1·.,iti\·-' l:1:,li-.1 ,irh'..'.d 11i'<1iric. tha1 connects 10 estllaric\. other \\C-tland:-, or undi.;.;111rhL·d up!;Jii(l-., 11 1;!1. :1 n: :ll k;1q ])() acres i11 c..;ize? (dums in ri.fl<triun corridors. lwurih· II.\'('(/ groi·c/ , .. 1,,1(/, /\· 1· \/ .",-11:,/.,. urc :·om'ic/t:rl'd hr\'(/~'' 1111he ,:orridur).. -~ ... j ) 1·~ ... -i pmrls tgo to ff 2.J) (NU; g,1 to 112.2.2 11 :-:. . ..:'.. ~ h 11 11..· \\\:\land part of a relatively undisturhcd and trnt'Jrol--.c-11 \·cgctatcd corridor 1 ,,i;: 1c.'i 1·111:1ri:111 :):· 11r1ancl) that is at lc:ist )Oft wide-. has at lca:;t 30% CO\ er of :-,hruhs or r(q· :-.,1. y,d ,_,,,1111..'•.'T.., 10 ~:sl\taries. otl-i...·r \\ctlands or undisturbed upland-., that are at least 2) ,h.i\_':-s 111 _...:i;:...··· OR a Lake-fringe ,\:~tl:md. ifit doe\ not hav;: an undisturbed corridor as 1n 1ilc. ,llll>,1_1()!1 _[1)1~\•.''.' 2 ()!iint'-(po 111 fl ...:"'.3) I l :· 2 .. : 1-.. u,_, \ .. ..__-\1 a11d: (NO J H 2.2.3 \,: :11.; i ·, 1 i< ! 1 \ 1-.:,n .i t1f ,1 brad,ic,h dr :-ialt \\ater estuar:y OR ·.1. it!1:;·· , 11,1 (11 :i 1;11·~,, 1ic1,l or p;i.:.;turl' (_> ... W acres) Oil nf d i:.ikl' ~~rl'ai\:'1 :!1.111 20 acre<": \ _J. __IH>in_t ---------·· ----~_N_(~j_l! point~-----· Figure_ () Tow! t(x r•ngc \\,.,1la11d l~:!ti11~ ',.,r, ':'>t.:rn \1.",1shlngtoJ1 1:i Au~ust :::'OO-i \(T:-,1rn1 , ·'d.·, ··1 11 ... ", /)!-\\. definitin :~ Oct. :::'()08 ·------------------------------------~----·-----·--· -- ! ! :?. J ~\~.--'~i __ 1!1 :,:Ii .,: l•.iJ;_1_yi_l2JiL) ·1 1::t--._li_sttd b\. \VD~:"W {•-:ee ne1t· anrl complele 1/nct,fJ1t•111'· " H '.')Fff 1.11·ioi"i~l' lwhilat.~, and the cou11ties in which tlu:r ca11 he/muu/, i11 tire Pf J.\" !'•'.'Ji::·• ,·J.t/.': _·H_'tl/li'. 1i·~m-. halr/1/ts!ist. h tm) \\ llic11 ui· llw 1,i-1,,· .. , 111::. 1·1rit11 :,:, lrnbitdh ,1r1~ \,·ithin .3JUr1 ( l OOrn i nfthc \\Ctland uni1·.1 .\()}"/:. 1!1t· connt\·ti1111\ :lu 11d /.-,.n·,, /1J /1,· n./urn·c'!i undisturhecl. --~--·Aspen Starn.b:: 1'urc: -.1 · :;1 \L'd strn1d" or aspen greater than 0.4 ha ( I acre). Biodh 1..·r . .,it, A n·,1,; and Corridors: \ rc<.is or habitat that arc relatively impol'lant to \·ariou:-. :-,1~i:•._"ll'·· ,._>t11.1' li~.11 :1 11! \\ ildlik !/u// descri;;fions in lr!JFW I'}/,)' n .. 'JJ1;r/ JJ. I 52). l--ft.•rh:1l't•:1t1~· iLlid.•..: "·11 i,11)ic \iI:...' nJh:lws of grass and forbs on shallow <.,oils over bedrock. __ Old-gron lh/:\'h: ire fort>sh: (_OIJ_-g_r:-1\\ 1]1 __ \_\est of Cascack lTt:'~1) \tand'> or at kast :'. tree -..:p,·, !"1 ,,-=il 111~'-,\ 1rntlt i-1:1~ ered canopy \\ ith O('Casional srnal I openings: \\ ith al least ~(i 1,· .. _'l'~ :1:1 ;·.: t ..... · il·1r; · Xl cm (32 iriJ dt)h or> 200 years o!'age. (\l;-it11n; ron>,h) S1ands \\ 11,' . I\ '·1 ',I, ii l wlL'r:'-. C \cccd i ng ~3 C rn ( 2 I in) dbh: (TO\\ 11 CO\ er Illa) bt: ICS') 1 h,11 l oor:,..o: cr1\\\ 11 ,. ,, ,·1 ··,_1, h: l,>s tlrnt \CH)%: (kcaJ. decadence. numbers or snags. and quantity or l:t1 ~·L·, 1,\\• ,11 1,_l' i_1' ·, ,_,~nernll\· I·:-.;_.., than that found in pld-gro\\lh: 80 -200 yt?W'> old '.\' ' ) ' t {) I '. :L :1.:·: /' / ,.._ ~!,: u ;':';11:lfld<., \L::d\ of pure nak nr 0:1.k/cnnifl_,r as;c.;ociation-.; "hen; ,,t '.ii,: t,:1k u1:.;;)1'lll'lll is important (t11// dL·,·ui/Jtiuns in /J !)/' 11· /l//.\ ·:,1i:1c'.'Li11o a:..j1:a1i,.--"~·'".terns \\·ith 1hnvi11g \\a\er that contain'> ..::!ci,v:nt" 0f r:__·r1 >Jri;1 1 c-co\,·stcm.;, \\ hich mutually intluencc each o1hcr. 1<,r1,1 r<11; · 1 ' )',~ ~1.: 1 :_1q L1: ! I; 1. \Vcstsick Pm r•t'.;: I !l·rh,1e,_·ou:--. non-lorL'Sted plant communitie~ that can either 1ah.c the •' ' ' ,1 ·. l' ~·, ··11r1·', ·1 \_\_"l'( puiri,: (/11/.' dcscriptiu11s in WLJl-'11' P!-/5,' n'JJorl J). /(;/)_ ''1');: ,:_.1 Ii ,11 o!' ph~ :-.i c,d. biological. and chemic:-i I processes a11d co11dit in11..., •)\ il: '1w.~lio11,il Ii;· ..... histor:,. requirements for in:-.trcarn tish and \,ildlik' ,~·:11·-:1,11; :_ i~ -1, ; 1'. ,:1, lllll.i;--.tu,·b ... :d ,·,..:Ji -..:h(•re l1abitah. l hc\C include Coastal 'Neat <..!lnr1.'. ,, ,!! ·,h•.),\?. ,111d Pug,:\ ~ll'L,nd ~earshorc. (lid/ u'i!SLTi/Jfirms of'/whilo!s ,incl 1111.; ':.. 11·c 1 · 111,disturhL'cl u1·,., in H'DF/1" repor! ,Pf) / fi ". /(ii) (!lld_i.:f(lssur.·,· in (.<I\ ~·,: ·: l 'I q,._·(·\, ·1 i\l.'2 ca\. ;t,. 1"<...'C,~':is. \ oid. ors~ :,tern of interc~'1111l'Cted pass,.1~_~..._.s undvr .1,. r,·. :1r cr]i~r ~~culof:'.ical formations and i" large cnm1gh to cc-11tai11 a j, ., , .ill· · r· :·rn( i\ ri·f,1,k !"i:l!H..!_illg in clVl2nt?-i..."'. :">iA (\.I~ -~ () 111 1.ll . .:; -h._.:; it\. 11' ·1.;~:C,,.>_l'. :1:.,l 1nr "vdil11L'lllilr} rnd .. inc 1.lKli11g ripr,1.p slid<.?\ ~md r-;1i11•,' :" ,, 'I,,, ,_'•.1 I\ i l: l ,: I Ii -',. Srt.i;..·, ;<f,d _..:~' --,·,,, ·, <11,· ,:i:11,id~r..:d "nag~ iftlu:J art' dead or d.1 ing and exhibit .,uJTi..:i.:111 ·1·, i 1 .-1 .. · ,[;,, 1,_, .'11:_,hk -~·ii.it~ ,:,cav;1tionl'tt\c hy \\ ild!ifr. 1.:irioriry :--nag:,; h,i\ ~' ,1 .-,1 .:; 1 .:.:111 1 :1.0 in·, in \\'cstern \Vashir1x.2ton and are>~ in 1 (1.) tt I in 1" h,. -. ;.11. ·'" 3() c111 ( l .~ in) in diameter at th~ large.-..:t end. and> 6 rn (~0 !1 J ~·ri 1, .~ ( r •rt:,·e i·1.·il,, 11: · ahit:Hs = 4 points 1\1:11: ,, 11--?, r-ri 1i"il\ nahi:.,11-J points ,..-----... ,1 ._·i! 1, ;1,. lr,h1t<ll -=-I point <i'\o habitats=-~ 0 roinh) .\-,, I' .'ld.'.':h on· h.r dcilnifinn u 111·iori1y/1~7T:1/7J-1/i-~,-;:(.;··;·10i~·;,ci11dc'tl iii 1.hi 1· /·,, 1:11:·1 ur~· u:ld:,_'\'\c'! ii' uu,'sfif/11 H .:.! ../.) I ·;' :Li•1 iD ', ,_!..:fi!,i 1 i1i1h Ud .~11\)}: \\ l'tl;. F\~~~.::·~~;~,:~:r:-,.----~-~~-h,n" !hr' Oil(' )r·,--:;;;J-!/ii!ll 0/1/;e !u7;l7.;cu;Je urnund Ih'-· m.:1/:1ncl 1!1u1 'I ,··11,,i1' t;] · 10 .:1 -\ct'crn,h \\:._i·11: ·1~ ,nik'. anrl the conlll''~'tion~, bct\\·('.e11 the111 ,ir.:: ·. \.' ·! \. i: 11_1 111 grc1/i1 1:· ·,:_'t\\C'('.11 \\Ctlancb OK, 21s is lake ~hore ,,·ith -..u111c ., , .1;' clil, 1.otii '. "'~n f he hi::icckd b; r<wcd roads. rill. !ield<..;, or other : i '.I ' . I. I.,··: 11, . 1-. 1,1 I - I ]l()lllh _-5 ,1 _-._ r1 ~1 :,:.,,._. 1·. i1h little di:-;turbanc..:-and thcrL' .:ire> nthcr JakL -i"ri,1gL' :1.1.: pPlllh :" , 1 ·. ;11h:r 1\1:1l;111d" 1\ it!1i11 112 rnile. 8U J" the conlll'l'lio1i:,; llL'l\\l'l'll thl."lll :ff(' l ii 1 •:: 1:i1I ,.,!'· pc,i11h ,\:, ,1 J;il\t~ v. ith (li--;1urba11c1~ ;ind thcrL' :ire) tlllicr l;ih>l'rin_,_,_.: ' ' poin.l_--; = 3 {'_()in h =-= 2"~ )"l(~; )l t< = () I ....... -····-------------------------------------· -·---·· 112. TOL\I. Score· upportu11it_, for pru,idi11g lwhital I IOTA I. tor 11 I frurn page 14 . ~-_,; ----l ----- ______________________________ .1_,_h_l _1!_1c_' _.,_c_o_r,_-~,· ~!1_·r_J1_11_f_I_~_-_l_.i_l_~_-_'-_I_!_ .. _' . .,_'_. _I_C_._.J--lr--r.·. __ 1 Tot,,!~;.,',," f' ,,;,111-,n .Jtidions -:11idthepnintsfc1rll l_ll2andrecordthcrc'.;ultl'i11 ,:: __ -.---~ ____ I' r ~-;, ___ _ ;-· 1 , :.'··,ll i":1 \\ -1shin;t1in 17 1 ,,. ''-\_l, i l H\ ckfi11i1 i,nis Oct. 2008 \\ -:1 l,1!1 I , '.' ,~· 1 1 / \flON __ BASED ON SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Plea, -, . 1,·. ,; ,-:; r!,e wetland 111,;ds t/Je 11ttrih11tes dl'.lcribed below and circle the ur'/Ji'·nor.,. ii, :NI' 11't.T·1 and c·a1egory. Well:rnd hn -----------·-----------------, ·atcgory L---- ·,'.,1 /:'1.11 u/)J)f' lo lih' we/land ('irc!e !he ('ategU1y 11'hen the ; ' :_ ,'],:'{. -,;_1lx,·1:. ~reater than 0.) rrt. · t1 ',( I . I T------, I ' ' -----f---------, i•~, 1::11t ~\i~i;; ·1 u Natio11al \Vtldlifc R('.fugt::. ~ati,Jnal hii'L. .i,:'\ <l:,cn;..·_ l\iatural Area Prcscnc-. Stak' Park Pr l·'.Jucati<,nal . . , ,· ·-.1.-io..:11i;l.ic ;\.o..::-.crvT di:~ig11ati.:d u1ll .. L.:1 \\'.,\( _)_t-:.-3U-i) 1·., NCf,!..!o to SC 1.2 Cat. I ------~------------·-t-------< · \.,,1it .-.u k,1:-,l acre in site and 111ccL" c1t ka:-,L l\\l) uf lll·~· .·(11";:_:iliu1:<? YL'.\ :c:: Categor: [ !\O =, Cukgnr: 11 ·., 1Ll:1_ti\ ,_~I., U!H.listurhed (has no diking. Jitchin~. fil!i·1~)- i, ::._..:.,. Ull~; illi\ :,._",~, t)1;_n ] (lr!'u CO\ L'.'.' ~l!'!lt)!1--tl<.lt:\(~ r·i~; 1'. \ i~ iinn-11;1li._i._: .\jwrtinu spp. are the (m!y spcci~s that en, .. 'r : ll .i·, ·!'iii,. i.\-:1.:,J1-L !_h1..',1 lhc \\Cl!and :-i:1u,1ld l)I.'. si\('il ~l dud; ! r1 ! ·'.: ,-;i·c._i ,.:f'.-'pr;1·tii'la \-\:ould he rated a Calcgor} II \\hik the · 1· · 1'-:in'.\1-...turhcd urper marsh\\ ith native species \\otdd be <.1 .. 1, l \l :rnl. howc\ i..T. C.\ciuc\c the area ut' Sparlina in ':-::~' ·,i7~ :hn>hnld of I acre. ia!ll,\\ ~:ru edge oi' the \.\et land ha:-<., I OC l'l t,uL·er di 1·,:: ui-i-:~r;i;v·.1 dr un-mu\\cd grassland . . 1:'JI),; 11:i 'll iC,i'·,t '.! 11l'thc tl,,lkJ\,\:ill!2 rcatLtl"C'-.: tid.1J chn!il1CI~. •,ij:-,I opc1: '.\<.11,.:-r. nr contiguous fresh\\ater \\etlands. Cat. I Cat. II Dual rating 1/11 -~-~~---__J SC 2 ii Na1,.1·, l'ric, :i " I l -- ' ,.1r ! . S(' J_:i Dn..::· li 1 \ ():'.L'l. an,;::'" (' \' •..'! i': ------------------------------------~ , '•'' i1a,:e Wl'llaitti, (1cc p. 87) _t_, • ·._(·. h1,c hccn :dcntiliL·d hy the \\'~1:-.hin~lnn '\~1turul I kritagc ·:;_::-1.1u~tiit) l.t1Jisturbcd \\"cl lands or \\Cllancb that suppurt :··-~:. ,)r \. '.·1·,1Li\'L' plant species . . -,ie1n~_· r, ".\_! in a Scctio11-'Tl1\\11:-,hip Rangt.: that l.'.u11t·i11s a ·.\1·'.!:1r.1'. rtl1i.\ ({//('\lion is .'l~cd to ''-'l'L'L'/1 ou/ 1;10.\l .\.'i:'\ ·-,· 1,, cnnruci 1/'\///> IJ.\RJ ·,: ll' l Y.\ ,( bel.' p. 79) and gu i:d \(_ 2.2 N\J i 1lt, '1 i,!llu ~Jc.; ,1 ,·,lgh qu;;1:ity und1~turhr?d \\dlJiHi nr a~ L,:~;,v,.! \11 ..:iidanscicd plant spc(ic:-·.' f\: U nut ,1 I 1erita~~..: \\ ~'tland Cat. I --------------------------------------4 ·'"Y part of the unit) meet blllh lhe cTilcri« i<lr soils ,md , 1 ., Acr /;(.'o.i· Ju idenl{/Y (I iht. IH_'flund 1•; u hug. !(r,,u .1•.1J ;1(_\ •'I to rate tire wetland hascd 011 it.\_li111ctim1s. I. \,1\1 !!:..:Id l~,:y to icknti1) t1r~a11'.c :-,(1iJ,,)'i \ ,:~ - '~()J-go to(). 2 1:•. ,1·_i_!<iiiiL ',(1~1';. l'.i1ncr 11eah or much., dia1 ,11i: less th~o,.1 1(1 t 1 1 dd nr ,l!l 1mpcrirn:ablc hardpa11 .... uch w. cl:1; nr 11·(· l':'·.I·. _) nr1 ,1 !ai,,:,: ur J)lllli...i'.' -,.,.----.. ~\\', . "f:,; 11c; _I I\•.· . •:ii' 7 Jl 1·0 cu'v~;·ofnh:-~·:-i~~ di ~i·,:,.ii·L'. k\-..i. \ ·,i_. ,;-,•_1. t I t•l~ [,(lg·· ':ipccit...., ;;..;[e(1 ir, 1,dJI ... : 3 ~is a 1 ,·(':1it,•!l>.1.t ot"Lnc \Cg;.:lalid11 (ninrc than Jt)11 (; of'thc Lolal shrnb ··-,h~·-'· r •."l'C •. 11,.'.:; in Tnh!1: 3); is 1( 1,_ :.!l·::ok pin~. qt..::=1r...i11:-1-;-,sr 1..:-1 1• i 'ng!r..:1ll:lllll 0 ..., \\ ! · il any drth,._' ~p--·-.i;: \',-·l" u,111hi11mio1! l)r (·~ r·, I) :;_\] !11 1,l~'L.? _;, U>. ~! :)ic'11ir11: .,·,-r,":l' i._i1 ,Jw t(,.,.,,1 ·'} \:,;u:-1 _oo-+ Cat. I 1·11,,. 11 ·' SC ! ),.,. -------------~ . ----·----------------·----------·· ---------------< "l' I Ii• :11·1,rnh1 /iu.'-ct/ t111 ihjimdi<)Jl\'. · 11... a~_,;1 l1~ ll'Cst) \!;u1,.f..., (',r,1: k::h: t-qo tr·:(.' ,;)1~i...:1cs. 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Ve getation of wetland unit (Note in vasive species of Himalayan b la ckberries). 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 BILLING CONTACT Peter Gillooly 170 Whitman Ct NE Renton, WA 98059 INVOICE NUMBER 00065136 REFERENCE NUMBER LUA17-000162 Whitman Ct Sequoia Tree Removal March 23, 2017 INVOICE DATE 03/23/2017 FEE NAME PLAN -RVMP Fee Technology Fee -------Renton® INVOICE INVOICE DUE DATE INVOICE STATUS INVOICE DESCRIPTION 03/23/2017 Due NONE TOTAL $100.00 $3.00 SUBTOTAL $103.00 TOTAL ~'~~~~~$_1_03_._oo__, Page 1 of 1 8l186 Vi '31.LLV3S HlCTOS 3flN3AV Hl99 606Z1 S3::lll\l:13S r~ v E>Nll lnSNO::l 1'v'lN3V'JNOl:111\N3 . . . . . • • 6S086 VM 'N01N3H 31VJS 01 !ON :BIBGS '3N ·1) NVl'll!H,\\ DLI <J:> ...... ' ...... ...... ' u:, t-, N >!:::I:: :;>..< ..--4 _o _o 3JN3GIS3H A10011I~ dVW HJl 3~S H3tltlITH WV3H1S GNV GNV1l3M ~ -~ CD ~ CD 0:, :ws[oJd :Bll!l 5UJM8Jp -0 -0 -0 0... ~ ::c: u 0 ~ v t:.r.:l ~ C/) 0::: 0 t:.r.:l C'l Ci. Ci. ~ o:i ~ 0 0 co v t:.r.:l 0 0 0::: I ~ ~ ll) C/) ll) 0 N N ll) 0 N z <c: • ~ 'r' 0 N II .......:i • ~ ...... ~ bl fA 4~ou • 0 I 0 N II • ~ w ....J <( (.) (/)